In my form I have four RadioButtons, based on user selection, this code is executed:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (radioButtonName.Checked)
                var Qr = from n in mylist where n.Name == textBoxSearch.Text select new { n.Name, n.Age, n.Occu, n.Gender };
                foreach (var item in Qr)
                    listBox1.Items.Add("Name: " + item.Name + "   " + "  Age: " + item.Age + "   " + "  Occupation: " + item.Occu + "   " + "  Gender: " + item.Gender);
            if (radioButtonAge.Checked)
                var Qr = from n in mylist where n.Age == textBoxSearch.Text select new { n.Name, n.Age, n.Occu, n.Gender };
                foreach (var item in Qr)
                    listBox1.Items.Add("Name: " + item.Name + "   " + "  Age: " + item.Age + "   " + "  Occupation: " + item.Occu + "   " + "  Gender: " + item.Gender);

            if (radioButtonGender.Checked)
                var Qr = from n in mylist where n.Gender == textBoxSearch.Text select new { n.Name, n.Age, n.Occu, n.Gender };
                foreach (var item in Qr)
                    listBox1.Items.Add("Name: " + item.Name + "   " + "  Age: " + item.Age + "   " + "  Occupation: " + item.Occu + "   " + "  Gender: " + item.Gender);
            if (radioButtonOccupation.Checked)
                var Qr = from n in mylist where n.Occu == textBoxSearch.Text select new { n.Name, n.Age, n.Occu, n.Gender };
                foreach (var item in Qr)
                    listBox1.Items.Add("Name: " + item.Name + "   " + "  Age: " + item.Age + "   " + "  Occupation: " + item.Occu + "   " + "  Gender: " + item.Gender);



The code seems very redundant and repeated, but also I can't find a way to handle all 4 RadioButtons in a single line that has only one variable linked to user choice. myList is a List of a class I created that has 4 string properties (Name, Age, Gender, Occu)


4 Answers 4


wrap everything in a function like this one:

public void foo(RadioButton radioButton, Expression<Func<MyItem, bool>> expression)
        if (radioButton.Checked)
            var Qr = mylist.AsQueryable().Where(expression).Select(x => String.Format("Name: {0}, Age: {1}, Occ: {2}, Gender: {3}", x.Name, x.Age, x.Occu, x.Gender)).ToList();

            foreach (var item in Qr)

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        foo(radioButtonName, c => c.Gender == textBoxSearch.Text);
        foo(radioButtonAge, c => c.Age == textBoxSearch.Text);
        foo(radioButtonGender, c =>  c.Gender == textBoxSearch.Text);
        foo(radioButtonOccupation, c => c.Occu == textBoxSearch.Text);

public class MyItem
        public String Occu { get; set; }

        public String Age { get; set; }
        public String Name { get; set; }
        public String Gender { get; set; }


The only difference is in filter (where) all the other can be combined:

 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
   var lines = mylist
     .Where(item => radioButtonName.Checked && item.Name == textBoxSearch.Text ||
                    radioButtonAge.Checked && item.Age == textBoxSearch.Text ||
                    radioButtonGender.Checked && item.Gender == textBoxSearch.Text ||
                    radioButtonOccupation.Checked && item.Occu == textBoxSearch.Text)
     .Select(item => string.Format("Name: {0} Age: {1} Occupation: {2} Gender: {3}",
                                    item.Name, item.Age, item.Occu, item.Gender));  


   foreach (string line in lines)
  • 1
    Quick question should the radiobutton check and text comparison be enclosed in brackets or does it not matter? eg (radioButtonName.Checked && item.Name == textBoxSearch.Text) || (radioButtonAge.Checked && item.Age == textBoxSearch.Text)...
    – Nkosi
    Sep 5, 2016 at 20:07
  • 1
    @Nkosi: It doesn't matter in the context; however, if version with parentheis is more readable for you, you can add (...) Sep 5, 2016 at 20:10
  • @Nkosi see this answer. &&s get evaluated first Sep 5, 2016 at 20:21
  • @OrkhanAlikhanov thanks. After walking it through in my head I figured it out.
    – Nkosi
    Sep 5, 2016 at 20:23
  • You should also override ToString, or make a method called ToListboxString for your class.
    – Derek
    Sep 5, 2016 at 22:42

You can use a dictionary to map the RadioButton to its Filter in one go. Assuming MyClass is the type of objects in your List:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   var mapping = new Dictionary<RadioButton, Func<MyClass, bool>>()
      { radioButtonName , x => x.Name == textBoxSearch.Text },
      { radioButtonAge, x => x.Age == textBoxSearch.Text },
      { radioButtonGender, x => x.Gender == textBoxSearch.Text},
      { radioButtonOccupation, x => x.Occu == textBoxSearch.Text}

   foreach(var map in mapping.Where(x=> x.Key.Checked))
       var Qr = mylist.Where(map.Value).Select(n=> new {n.Name, n.Age, n.Occu, n.Gender});
       foreach (var item in Qr)
          listBox1.Items.Add("Name: " + item.Name + "   " + "  Age: " + item.Age + "   " 
                           + "  Occupation: " + item.Occu + "   " + "  Gender: " 
                           + item.Gender);


This way you can easily plug new Radio Buttons using one simple line in the dictionary.


You could first generate an anonymous list of your radio buttons and where predictions and then iterate through it (MyItem in this case is sample/placeholder for what your list contains, since I don't know the actual class name):

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Generate anonymous list of objects that are different
        var radios = new[]
            new { RadioButton = radioButtonName, CallBack = new Func<MyItem, bool>(x => x.Name == textBoxSearch.Text) },
            new { RadioButton = radioButtonAge, CallBack = new Func<MyItem, bool>(x => x.Age == textBoxSearch.Text) },
            new { RadioButton = radioButtonGender, CallBack = new Func<MyItem, bool>(x => x.Occu == textBoxSearch.Text) },
            new { RadioButton = radioButtonOccupation, CallBack = new Func<MyItem, bool>(x => x.Gender == textBoxSearch.Text) },

        // Iterate through list and add items to ListBox1, if RadioButtton is checked
        foreach (var radio in radios)
            if (!radio.RadioButton.Checked)
            var Qr = mylist.Where(radio.CallBack).Select(n => new { n.Name, n.Age, n.Occu, n.Gender });
            foreach (var item in Qr)
                listBox1.Items.Add($"Name: {item.Name}     Age: {item.Age}     Occupation: {item.Occu}     Gender: {item.Gender}");

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