Getting Spring Boot 1.4 + Spring 4.x + Spring Security 4.x WebSocket authentication to work with stateless token-based authentication seems to be an adventure!

So far, as I understand it, SockJS is not able to set the Authentication header with the token because browser's do not expose that API to Javascript (see https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-client/issues/196). I have worked around that by setting the authentication token in a query parameter as suggested on the above issue, and then using a Spring HandshakeHandler with determineUser() to map the query parameter to a User entity. Ugly and less secure, but at least it works for WebSockets.

However, when SockJS falls back to another mechanism e.g. XHR streaming, the same mechanism no longer works. A HandshakeInterceptor has access to the request and can obtain the authentication from the query param, but determineUser on the HandshakeHandler is never called for non-WebSocket handshakes.

The closest I have gotten so far is to bypass the built-in connection-level Spring machinery to determine the authentication. Instead, I set the authentication token at the message-level by setting it in the Stomp headers on the client side e.g.:

stompClient.send("/wherever", {token: 'token'}, ...);

and extract it on the server-side with a channel interceptor:

configureClientInboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration) {
  registration.setInterceptors(new ChannelInterceptorAdapter() {
     Message<*> preSend(Message<*> message,  MessageChannel channel) {
      StompHeaderAccessor accessor = StompHeaderAccessor.wrap(message);
      // not documented anywhere but necessary otherwise NPE in StompSubProtocolHandler!
      List tokenList = accessor.getNativeHeader("token");
      if(tokenList == null || tokenList.size < 1) {
        return message;
      Principal yourAuth = [...];
      return MessageBuilder.createMessage(message.payload, accessor.messageHeaders)

Now Spring injects the Principal into any controller methods that require it, BUT the user is still not saved to the websocket session, so messages still cannot be sent to a particular user.

How do I get Spring to "see" the authentication extracted from the query parameter?


1 Answer 1


Use the Stomp Headers

Bypass the built-in connection-level Spring machinery to determine the authentication. Instead, set the authentication token at the message-level by setting it in the Stomp headers on the client side. See the approach I outlined here:


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