Eta expansion In high level, is a process of translating methods into functions. Why? What? Aren't them the same? Let's explain:
A method in scala is what we know as def someMethodName(SomePramList): SomeReturnType
. It starts with def
. It may have parameter list, or even maybe more then 1. For example:
def numAdder(num1: Int)(num2: Int): Int =
num1 + num2
A function, or lambda
function looks something like: (SomeParams) => SomeReturnType
. For example:
val aFunction: Int => Int => Int = (num1: Int) => (num2: Int) => num1 + num2
Important to understand about functions is that this syntax is basically a syntactic sugar to FunctionN.apply
What are the scenarios that eta expansion are needed?
Some examples:
Example1 - Applying a method inside map
(or filter
, flatMap
Writing such code:
def addPlus1(x: Int): Int = x + 1
The compiler needs to have a function inside the map
. So, it transforms the method given into a function:
List(1,2,3).map(x => addPlus1(x))
. This is Eta expansion
Example2 - currying
When defining curried method, for example:
def numAdder(num1: Int)(num2: Int): Int =
num1 + num2
And them creating a function like:
val curriedFunction: Int => Int = numAdder(4)
val curriedFunction2 = numAdder(4) _
We defined a function out of a method. This is Eta expansion
Some more examples
Defined a method which accepts a function value:
def someMethod(f: () => Int): Int = f()
def method(): Int = 10
And then run:
will transform the method method
into a function. This is Eta expansion