I have following json file and I need a way to randomly select json data and prints its value.

json file :

    "base": [{"1": "add"},{"2": "act"}],
    "past": [{"add": "added"},{"act": "acted"}],
    "past-participle": [{"add": "added"},{"act": "acted"}],
    "s-es-ies": [{"add": "adds"},{"act": "acts"}],
    "ing": [{"add": "adding"},{"act": "acting"}]


user_input = 'past' >> past
code randomly selects 'add' or 'act' from past >> add
prints out its value >> added

1 Answer 1


Use random.choice supplying as choices the sequence contained for the selected key:

user_input = input('> ')

> past

Out[177]: 'added'

Factor it in a function to make it more compact:

def random_json_val(json_obj, k):
    return list(choice(json_obj[k]).values())[0]

Calling it gets you a random value for a given k:

>>> random_json_val(j, 'past')
>>> random_json_val(j, 'past')
>>> random_json_val(j, 's-es-ies')
  • it should be list(random.choice(json_obj[k]).values())[0] Commented Sep 12, 2016 at 21:30
  • @Scott sorry, was cooking. Yes mixed the typo, just load the json object wherever you require then pass it to the function along with the user input on which key to use. Commented Sep 12, 2016 at 21:32

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