I have string like

"FirstName=Alpha&LastName=Beta&[email protected]&Country=UnitedStates&[email protected]"

I need some help with the regular expression with extracts the email value.

I used the pattern "Email=(.*?)&" but it needs an & at the end of the string.

My Code to replace the email value

Regex.Replace(text, "email=(.*?)&", ComputeReplacement, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

Any help with regex?

  • You have two different emails in the example string. What are you trying to replace them with? Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 19:16
  • I want to replace the email with a text like "something" Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 21:29

4 Answers 4


Strings in .NET are invariant immutable, and the input parameter to this overload of Regex.Replace is not a ref parameter. Instead, the changed string will be returned by Regex.Replace. Simply assign it:

text = Regex.Replace(text, "email=(.*?)&", ComputeReplacement, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

I'm assuming (though we all know what effect that has on u and me) that ComputeReplacement is a MatchEvaluator.

  • 1
    I'm going to be an insufferable pedant and point out that strings are immutable. Invariant usually refers to generics (invariant is what you get when something is neither covariant nor contravariant).
    – Kyle
    Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 19:26
  • 1
    @Kyle Thank you. I have some kind of weird aphasia with that word. Your pedantry is entirely sufferable. Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 19:32
  • My question should have been more clear. The given code does not work for the input string because the second occurrence of email does not end with a string. Need help with regex and then I need to replace all the email values with a computed value like email.Length. Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 21:30
  • The regex that worked for me is - @"email=(?<match>[^&]*)&?" and then i used below to get it to work. MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(text, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled); foreach (Match match in matches) { inputText.Replace(match.Result(string.Format("${{{0}}}", namedGroup)), GetScrubbedPIIString(match.Result(string.Format("${{{0}}}", namedGroup)))); } namedGroup is "match" Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 18:11

Maybe you could take a look into the HttpUtility.ParseQueryString method, as it can handle the same task without the regular expression:

var query = "FirstName=Alpha&LastName=Beta&[email protected]&[email protected]";
var parsed = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(query);
foreach (var email in parsed.GetValues("Email"))

This approach also takes care of the URL encoding; for instance, try with "FirstName=Some%20Name"


You can use the following code to get the emails:

string input = "FirstName=Alpha&LastName=Beta&[email protected]&Country=UnitedStates&[email protected]";
Dictionary<string,string> emails = input.Split(new char[] { '&' }).Where(param => param.ToLower().Contains("email")).Select(param => param.Split(new char[] { '=' })).ToDictionary(x=> x[1], x=> x[0]);
foreach (string email in emails.Keys)

if you split the string before using your Regex, there is no need anymore for an & at the end of the string (you will end up with an extra & at the end of the resulting string, but you can check for that if it is an issue):

String input = "FirstName=Alpha&LastName=Beta&[email protected]&Country=UnitedStates&[email protected]";
String output = "";
foreach (string element in input.Split('&')) {
    output += Regex.Replace(element, "email=(.*?)&", ComputeReplacement, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) + "&"; }

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