Matt Gallagher has written a pretty informative article on Cocoa's collection classes, along with a couple of benchmarks (with & without initWithCapacity:
, as well as cross class comparisons)
His test (source available) for an NSMutableArray of length 1,000,000 took 0.582256sec without capacity and just 0.572139sec with capacity.
Test | Time
[NSMutableArray array] | 0.582256 seconds
[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1000000] | 0.572139 seconds
Iterating contents | 0.004713 seconds
I'd say that in 99% of the use cases [NSMutableArray array]
is just fine. If you do know the actual size of the resulting array, however, it won't hurt to use [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:]
And then there is this article by Peter Ammon (who is a developer on Apple’s AppKit/Foundation team) featuring several insightful benchmarks:
Edit (March 12th 2012):
More insight on array initialization performance from
[…] I [=>DarkDust] also wanted to know whether the performance is any different depending on how the array was created. I tested two different methods:
- Create a C array which references the object instances and create the array using
- Create a
and subsequently add objects using addObject:
[…] there is a difference when allocating: the initWithObjects:count:
method is faster. With a very large number of objects, this difference can become significant.
Edit (March 6th 2014):
Further more insight on array initialization performance from
Let’s allocate new arrays with initial capacity set to consecutive powers of two:
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
NSLog(@"%@", [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1 << i] explored_description]);
Surprise surprise:
size: 2 // requested capacity: 1
size: 2 // requested capacity: 2
size: 4 // requested capacity: 4
size: 8 // requested capacity: 8
size: 16 // requested capacity: 16
size: 16 // requested capacity: 32
size: 16 // requested capacity: 64
size: 16 // requested capacity: 128
// 'size: 16' all the way down