I'm using ModelMapper to do straight-forward maps between objects.

ModelMapper mapper = new ModelMapper();
// TypeMap created
mapper.map(sourceObj, destObj);

mapper = new ModelMapper();
// TypeMap is recreated
mapper.map(sourceObj, destObj);

I noticed in the source code that if a TypeMap doesn't exist between sourceObj and destObj that it will cache the TypeMap in getOrCreate method.

As far as I can tell this cache is tied to the mapper instance, meaning that if I have to map the sourceObj to destObj for second time using a new ModelMapper instance, that it will have to re-create the TypeMap.

I'm assuming this is a fairly expensive operation, say if I'm mapping a collection of sourceObj to destObj. This leads me to the conclusion that I should re-use the ModelMapper instance.

Is this conclusion correct?


1 Answer 1


Yes. There is even a section in the FAQ about this:

Should I reuse my ModelMapper instance?

Unless you need different mappings between the same types, then it’s best to re-use the same ModelMapper instance. If you use a dependency injection container, you can accomplish this by configuring ModelMapper as a singleton.

  • Thanks! Somehow missed that section.
    – Avner
    Commented Sep 20, 2016 at 4:44

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