I think it is worthwhile to recap/summarize the choices here for clarity... then offer a new variation that I believe provides the best utility.
<1> ReadKey (System.Console)
write-host "Press any key to continue..."
- Advantage: Accepts any key but properly excludes Shift, Alt, Ctrl modifier keys.
- Disadvantage: Does not work in PS-ISE.
<2> ReadKey (RawUI)
Write-Host "Press any key to continue ..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
- Disadvantage: Does not work in PS-ISE.
- Disadvantage: Does not exclude modifier keys.
<3> cmd
cmd /c Pause | Out-Null
- Disadvantage: Does not work in PS-ISE.
- Disadvantage: Visibly launches new shell/window on first use; not noticeable on subsequent use but still has the overhead
<4> Read-Host
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to continue"
- Advantage: Works in PS-ISE.
- Disadvantage: Accepts only Enter key.
<5> ReadKey composite
This is a composite of <1> above with the ISE workaround/kludge extracted from the proposal on Adam's Tech Blog (courtesy of Nick from earlier comments on this page). I made two slight improvements to the latter: added Test-Path to avoid an error if you use Set-StrictMode (you do, don't you?!) and the final Write-Host to add a newline after your keystroke to put the prompt in the right place.
Function Pause ($Message = "Press any key to continue . . . ") {
if ((Test-Path variable:psISE) -and $psISE) {
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Shell"
$Button = $Shell.Popup("Click OK to continue.", 0, "Script Paused", 0)
else {
Write-Host -NoNewline $Message
- Advantage: Accepts any key but properly excludes Shift, Alt, Ctrl modifier keys.
- Advantage: Works in PS-ISE (though only with Enter or mouse click)
- Disadvantage: Not a one-liner!
if (!$psise) { <# pause #> }
. If you're like me and 99% of the reason you want a pause is so that you can read the screen before it blinks away, then this will help, because if you're in the ISE it does not blink away and you don't need the pause