Learning Spring Boot as a replacement for some C/C++ daemons. My goal was to have a single project compiled to a single jar/war. Then use multiple shell scripts to simply start the one I want via command line. I'm using Eclipse Kepler to develop and test the individual Spring Boot applications, and noticed an unwanted behavior. With 4 Spring Boot application classes in the same package, if I start any one of them using an Eclipse launch configuration, all 4 start up in the same Spring Boot. I suspect because all of them have the @SpringBootApplication annotation, and starting one causes Spring Boot to "scan" the current package and sub-packages.
My question, is there a way to have multiple Spring Boot applications in the same package? Do I just create a ControllerApplication with a single @SpringBootApplication and pass in the daemon name I want to start and go from there? Or some other options? Or do I need to create a separate project for each daemon? tia, adym