I have written the following line as a bash:

nmcli nm status id "My VPN id"> /home/Desktop/1.txt

So I want to check the id status and save it in the 1.txt file.

Now I want to search in 1.txt file and if it finds the word "connected" then do nothing and if it does not find it run the following line:

nmcli con up id "My VPN id"

How can I write the search part?

Edit: I made a bash script on a document on Desktop (with a name "s.sh" as follows:


nmcli nm status id 1> /home/Desktop/1.txt
grep -q connected /home/Desktop/1.txt || nmcli con up id 1

and edit the crontab as follows: enter image description here

Saved the file. But the cron does not work!

  • check return code of grep "connected" 1.txt. 0/1 whether pattern is present or not. Commented Sep 25, 2016 at 19:33

1 Answer 1


To execute a command only if connected is not in 1.txt:

grep -q connected /home/Desktop/1.txt || nmcli con up id "My VPN id"

grep string file will return exit code 0 (success) if the regex string is found in file. To execute a command only if grep returns with fail, we use the shell's logical-or: ||.

As an alternative, we can use a full if-then statement:

if ! grep -q connected /home/Desktop/1.txt
    nmcli con up id "My VPN id"

Again, we only want to run the command if grep -q connected /home/Desktop/1.txt returns fail. To do that, we use ! to negate the return code. In this way the command will run if grep returns with a fail code.

The -q option to grep tells grep to be quiet. When used with -q, instead of printing output, grep will simply set a return code.


To run this command every hour on the hour, run crontab -e. This will raise an editor. In the editor, add the line:

0 * * * *  /bin/grep -q connected /home/Desktop/1.txt || /path/to/nmcli con up id "My VPN id"

Now, save the file and exit the editor.

For more information on the very useful crontab, see here.

Without crontab

while sleep 60m
    grep -q connected /home/Desktop/1.txt || nmcli con up id "My VPN id"
  • thanks a lot. that helped. and if I want to make this script run every 60 min. What should I do?!
    – P.A.M
    Commented Sep 25, 2016 at 19:39
  • 1
    To run it every hour, I would put it in crontab.
    – John1024
    Commented Sep 25, 2016 at 19:40
  • and how to do it, please? :D or where can i find information about using crontab to schedule?
    – P.A.M
    Commented Sep 25, 2016 at 19:42
  • 1
    @P.A.M See updated answer for some crontab info. crontab is very useful. I recommend reading a tutorial on it.
    – John1024
    Commented Sep 25, 2016 at 19:53
  • 1
    @P.A.M "doesnt work" That is obviously not enough information for anyone to be able to diagnose a problem and offer help. As an alternative, I updated the answer with a simple bash script which will run your program every 60 minutes.
    – John1024
    Commented Sep 25, 2016 at 21:54

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