I'm trying to set a variable from a SQL query:

declare @ModelID uniqueidentifer

Select @ModelID = select modelid from models
where areaid = 'South Coast'

Obviously I'm not doing this right as it doesn't work. Can somebody suggest a solution?



10 Answers 10



SELECT @ModelID = m.modelid 
 WHERE m.areaid = 'South Coast'

Using SET

SET @ModelID = (SELECT m.modelid 
                  FROM MODELS m
                 WHERE m.areaid = 'South Coast');

Then you can use SELECT to show the value of @ModelID or use the variable into your code.


See this question for the difference between using SELECT and SET in TSQL.


If this SELECT statement returns multiple values (bad to begin with):

  • When using SELECT, the variable is assigned the last value that is returned (as womp said), without any error or warning (this may cause logic bugs)
  • The SET query returns error only if you DON'T put the semicolon in the end of query
  • 5
    If this select statement returns multiple values: in the first case, the variable is assigned the last value that is returned (as womp said), without any error or warning (this may cause logic bugs); in the second case, an error will occur. Commented Oct 20, 2010 at 5:01
  • 4
    BTW, the case using SET needs a pair of brackets: SET @ModelID = (SELECT ...) Commented Oct 20, 2010 at 5:03
  • 4
    I would use TOP 1 with select, to have only 1 result, e.g. SET @ModelID = (SELECT TOP 1 m.modelid FROM MODELS m WHERE m.areaid = 'South Coast')
    Commented May 16, 2016 at 11:51
  • In case using set when multiple values are returned then how to handle it using exception handling?
    – Aasim
    Commented Jul 19, 2018 at 2:47
  • Sometimes you want an error if there's an unexpected duplicate result rather than quietly using an unexpected result. Commented Oct 12, 2018 at 17:53
SELECT @ModelID = modelid
FROM Models
WHERE areaid = 'South Coast'

If your select statement returns multiple values, your variable is assigned the last value that is returned.

For reference on using SELECT with variables: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa259186%28SQL.80%29.aspx

declare @ModelID uniqueidentifer

--make sure to use brackets
set @ModelID = (select modelid from models
where areaid = 'South Coast')

select @ModelID
  • This question all ready has an answer it didn't need answering again, I can't even see what's different between yours and Ponies answer? Commented Sep 19, 2016 at 10:12
  • 10
    @JoshuaDuxbury it provides a working copy paste version
    – greg121
    Commented Sep 19, 2016 at 10:59

I prefer just setting it from the declare statement

DECLARE @ModelID uniqueidentifer = (SELECT modelid 
                                    FROM models
                                    WHERE areaid = 'South Coast')

Use TOP 1 if the query returns multiple rows.

SELECT TOP 1 @ModelID = m.modelid 
 WHERE m.areaid = 'South Coast'
  • 2
    It won't actually cause an error in SQL it will select the last record (although it could cause a resulting error in an application if you are using this value and it is incorrect)
    – d219
    Commented Apr 30, 2018 at 10:43

There are three approaches:

  2. SET -- Microsoft Recommended approach

Below query details the advantage and disadvantage of each:

-- First way, 
DECLARE @test int = (SELECT 1)
       , @test2 int = (SELECT a from (values (1),(2)) t(a)) -- throws error

-- advantage: declare and set in the same place
-- Disadvantage: can be used only during declaration. cannot be used later

-- Second way
DECLARE @test int  
       , @test2 int 

SET @test = (select 1)
SET @test2 = (SELECT a from (values (1),(2)) t(a)) -- throws error

-- Advantage: ANSI standard. 
-- Disadvantage: cannot set more than one variable at a time

-- Third way
DECLARE @test int, @test2 int 
SELECT @test = (select 1)
      ,@test2 = (SELECT a from (values (1),(2)) t(a)) -- throws error

-- Advantage: Can set more than one variable at a time
-- Disadvantage: Not ANSI standard

You can use this, but remember that your query gives 1 result, multiple results will throw the exception.

declare @ModelID uniqueidentifer
Set @ModelID = (select Top(1) modelid from models where areaid = 'South Coast')

Another way:

Select Top(1)@ModelID = modelid from models where areaid = 'South Coast'
Select @ModelID =m.modelid 
From   MODELS m
Where  m.areaid = 'South Coast'

In this case if you have two or more results returned then your result is the last record. So be aware of this if you might have two more records returned as you might not see the expected result.


To ASSIGN variables using a SQL select the best practice is as shown below

->DECLARE co_id INT ;
->DECLARE sname VARCHAR(10) ;

->SELECT course_id INTO co_id FROM course_details ;
->SELECT student_name INTO sname FROM course_details;

IF you have to assign more than one variable in a single line you can use this same SELECT INTO

->DECLARE val1 int;
->DECLARE val2 int;

->SELECT student__id,student_name INTO val1,val2 FROM student_details;

  • 5
    "best practice" -- source? Commented May 27, 2020 at 4:38
  • IF u have more than one columns to select from a Table then u can easily assign it using a single SELECT INTO statement instead of repeating the code !! Commented May 27, 2020 at 8:47

My use case was that I wanted to set a variable to a string. All the other answers here show how to set a variable using the output of a SELECT statement. Here's how to do it with a simple string:

DECLARE @ModelID varchar(60) = 'Model T'

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