I am trying to audit all of the permissions for an application before release and I want to ensure no role has more access than it needs. I have looked at the different functions and system tables, but everything is very piecemeal.

Is there a good query or method to be able to dump out every grant a particular role has?

I am using pg 9.5.

2 Answers 2


The column relacl of the system catalog pg_class contains all informations on privileges.

Example data in schema public owned by postgres with grants to newuser:

create table test(id int);
create view test_view as select * from test;

grant select, insert, update on test to newuser;
grant select on test_view to newuser;

Querying the pg_class:

    coalesce(nullif(s[1], ''), 'public') as grantee, 
    s[2] as privileges
    pg_class c
    join pg_namespace n on n.oid = relnamespace
    join pg_roles r on r.oid = relowner,
    unnest(coalesce(relacl::text[], format('{%s=arwdDxt/%s}', rolname, rolname)::text[])) acl, 
    regexp_split_to_array(acl, '=|/') s
where nspname = 'public'
and relname like 'test%';

  relname  | relkind | grantee  | privileges 
 test      | r       | postgres | arwdDxt      <- owner postgres has all privileges on the table
 test      | r       | newuser  | arw          <- newuser has append/read/write privileges
 test_view | v       | postgres | arwdDxt      <- owner postgres has all privileges on the view
 test_view | v       | newuser  | r            <- newuser has read privilege
(4 rows)


  • coalesce(relacl::text[], format('{%s=arwdDxt/%s}', rolname, rolname)) - Null in relacl means that the owner has all privileges;
  • unnest(...) acl - relacl is an array of aclitem, one array element for a user;
  • regexp_split_to_array(acl, '=|/') s - split aclitem into: s[1] username, s[2] privileges;
  • coalesce(nullif(s[1], ''), 'public') as grantee - empty username means public.

Modify the query to select individual user or specific kind of relation or another schemas, etc...

Read in the documentation:

In a similar way you can get information about privileges granted on schemas (the column nspacl in pg_namespace) and databases (datacl in pg_database)

  • This is great. I was spending too much time using the has_xxx_privilege() functions and the various pg_tables, pg_proc, etc. tables and views. Oct 3, 2016 at 2:20
  • Note that while this does show the implicit grants for the owner of the table, it does not show the implicit grants for superusers. Apr 15, 2022 at 4:02

The relacl column (and others of type aclitem) doesn't have to be parsed as text. The function aclexplode unnests array, which makes it suitable for lateral join. Result is record with well named fields, just convert oid to human-readable name:

select c.*, n.nspname,
  acl.grantor, acl.grantee,
  pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(acl.grantor), pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(acl.grantee),
  acl.privilege_type, acl.is_grantable
from pg_catalog.pg_class c
join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace,
lateral aclexplode(c.relacl) acl;
  • The function has not been officially documented, its description is likely to be found in the Postgres 12 documentation.
    – klin
    Apr 13, 2019 at 12:25

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