I keep getting too many OR clauses error in Rails with Solr. I have even increased the maxBooleanClauses limit to 10240 by logging into the Solr Admin UI, just to see if it fixed the issue. But it did not.

How can I fix this issue. Whenever a user performs a search there are too many or clauses?

I have tried this solution but it did not work. Is there any other place where I should update the count.

  • modify the maxBooleanClauses variable in solrconfig.xml file and get rid of the exception Oct 4, 2016 at 8:17

3 Answers 3


Modify the maxBooleanClauses variable in solrconfig.xml file.

This will help you to get rid of the exception.

You can adjust that parameter in solrconfig.xml


Modify the number.

  • Thanks @abhijit, I tried doing that inside one folder called, solr/sitename/solrconfig.xml, I even did it in the cores which I have created for my website(solr/my_core/conf/solrconfig.xml) but it didn't work. I still keep getting the same error.
    – Sahil
    Oct 5, 2016 at 4:01

To avoid this exception you can set maxBooleanClauses config in Solr solrconfig.xml

Moreover, still a jira ticket is open for permanent fix


But please remember that changing this limit can have a negative effect on performance and memory usage. http://solr.pl/en/2011/12/19/do-i-have-to-look-for-maxbooleanclauses-when-using-filters/

  • Yes I restarted the instance.
    – Sahil
    Oct 6, 2016 at 0:40

I found out that if the value on <maxBooleanClauses> inside the <query> tag is higher than the maxBooleanClauses from the global context, it will get ignored.

You can try to override or create a variable on the global context like this:

    <int name="maxBooleanClauses">${solr.max.booleanClauses:10240}</int>

Here are some useful links:

https://solr.apache.org/guide/8_1/format-of-solr-xml.html#global-maxbooleanclauses https://solr.apache.org/guide/8_1/query-settings-in-solrconfig.html

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