At .xml Android Studio, what are the differences between:
1) "end edge" and "right edge" ?
2) "toEndOf" and "toRightOf" ?
3) "start edge" and "left edge" ?
4) "alignBaseline" and "alignBottom" ?
Everything with a direction assigned to it is literal, as in left will always be left, right will always be right. Start and End are dependent on whether a language reads left-to-right or right-to-left, start and end matching those accordingly.
alignBaseline will align to the bottom of the text itself, where alignBottom will align to the bottom of the view. So in a view with text that has 10dp padding under it, alignBottom will align 10dp below the text, where alignBaseline will align with the bottom of the text itself.
This post has a good explanation of baseline. What is the baseline in RelativeLayout?