The documentation for jquery.tmpl uses .appendTo to insert the template into the DOM during the rendering process:

$.tmpl( myTemplate, myData ).appendTo( "#target" );

I am attempting to convert an existing app from another templating engine, and my code needs to render a template into a string first before it is added to the DOM. Is this possible? How would that be done?

  • wondering why didn't jquery added a simpler way to do this Commented Jan 16, 2011 at 6:59

6 Answers 6


The answers here didn't help me, however Adam's reply set me on the right track: any jQuery wrapped element has a .html() method.

var output = $( "#infoWindowTemplate" ).tmpl( city_data ).html()

or if you need text...

var output = $( "#infoWindowTemplate" ).tmpl( city_data ).text()

but please take note, that the outermost(root) element of the template is skipped, so you should make your templates look something like this:

  <script id='infoWindowTemplate' type='text/x-jquery-tmpl'> 
    <div class='city_info'>
      <h1 class='title'><a href="${link}">${name}</a></h1>
      <p class='meta'>${count} offers</p>

or just use the jQuery outerHtml plugin ( http://darlesson.com/jquery/outerhtml/ ) and replace .html() with .outerHTML()

  • Now that we have Handlebars for compiled Mustache templates I really don't see a compelling reason to use jQuery.tmpl Commented Jul 25, 2011 at 21:47
  • 1
    Could you give a reason why Handlebars/Mustache templates are more appropriate than jquery.tmpl? They seem very similar to me. Commented May 24, 2012 at 22:18
  • 1
    +1 for 'please take note, that the outermost(root) element of the template is skipped'. Saved my day.
    – BaBu
    Commented Jul 5, 2013 at 8:37

You could do it by just putting the result in a temporary container and taking the innerHTML of it, like this:

var str = $("<div />").append($.tmpl(myTemplate, myData)).html();
  • This almost worked. needs to be: var div = $("<div />"); $.tmpl(myTemplate, myData).appendTo(div); var content = div.html(); vote up for leading in the right direction. Commented May 24, 2012 at 23:41

jQuery.tmpl returns an HTMLElement wrapped in a jQuery object, which could be used in the same way as rendered strings were in the old template system.

var $template = $('#template'),
    html = $.tmpl($template, data).get();

I suspect that this might actually be faster than regular strings, but I don't have any profiling data for this yet.


I did some basic profiling between Mustache.js and jQuery.tmpl, and the stats do not look good.

I started with 1,000 preloaded records and generated templates for them several times, averaging the results.

Mustache.js: 1783ms
jQuery.tmpl: 2243ms

I might wait until jQuery.tmpl closes that gap before switching.


jQuery Templating provides $.template() (see description in source code) - it returns array of strings after evaluating cached template with your data. I am writing from scratch (and from experiments in Chrome's console), but you'll get the whole idea.

  1. Create and cache a named template function

  2. Get your template function and invoke it with your data

    var tmpl = $.template("template-name"); // template function
    var strings = tmpl($, {data: {<your data here>}}); // array of strings
    var output = strings.join(''); // single string

This works correctly

    var s = $.tmpl(url, dataContext).get()[0].data;

I was wrong, above example works only if returned is somethig other that html. In case of html I use

    var s = $.tmpl(url, dataContext).get()[0].outerHTML

EDIT: After some digging I discovered diffrences between Chrome and FF (above examples works in Chrome).

Finally I found cross browser working method, lets assume that we like to build a tag. So we template will look like

    <a href='${url}'>${text}</a>

them simplest way to get resul as a string is to wrap template inside any tag and then use .html() function

    var t = '<div><a href='${url}'>${text}</a></div>'
    var d = {url: 'stackoverflow.com', text: 'best site'};
    var html = $.tmpl(s, d).get()[0];
    html = $(html).html();  // trick is here

You can prepare template data like this

var tmplData = {link:"your link",name:"yourname",count:5};

This idofelementwhereuwanttoappend is id where your template data will be rendered.

  • You missed the entire point of the question. I wanted to combine rendered templates together in code before doing DOM operations. Commented Feb 27, 2013 at 22:32

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