I have tried searching for similar questions but can't find anything so apologies if this or similar has been asked before.
I am writing a script to read a textfile list of file names with a reference number then looking through subfolders for those files, then amending the name to include the ref num.
The text file will look like this (tab delimited and with header) :
"File Name (without Extension)" "Media Number"
"AK7A7964" "01017134"
"IMG_0026" "01017192"
"106491 Anenome" "01017206"
"CW1_9449" "01017243"
I am using this to clean the file of \t and ":
cat $file | sed "1 d" | tr "\\t" "," | sed 's/\"//g' > $cleanfile
Then reading the cleanfile into a while loop:
[ ! -f $INPUT ] && { echo "$INPUT file not found"; exit 99; }
while read fname media; do
And constructing the new name to be amended to the start of the filename
I'm then doing a find for each file with that name using:
for found in $(find . -type f -name "$fname.*" ); do
but when I try to amend the name, it only alters the last result if there are multiple files with the same name found.
I'm probably missing a trick in doing this using sed
but I can't find a guide that doesn't go off in the deep end quite quickly!
[edit to add]
What I was doing after the last do
was this:
Getting the path and basename, creating the new file name, then using mv
to replace it. I was actually just doing an echo
so it was non-destructive
mv $found $newFilePath
If there was more than one occurrence of any filename (as there will be), it was only mv
'ing the last one.
in your loops.106491 Anenome
.while read
loop using,
as the delimiter betweenfname
.sed "1 d" "$file" | tr "\\t" "," | sed 's/\"//g' > "$cleanfile"
for found in $(find . -type f -name "$fname.*" ); do