I have a form that includes tabs of different data. The tabs are activated by query string. After saving the content of the form that was submitted, I need to redirect back to it to show the corresponding tab using the query data. How can that be done?

currently I am using this for redirection:

return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validation);

but this returns to the first tab even there were no changes made on that tab. I saw something like

return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validation)->withQuery('tab'=>'info');

but that didn't work. Any suggestions?

4 Answers 4


This is probably not the best practice, but I already used it in L5.8 to redirect back with query string and it works as expected.

# Clear previous url from query string
$previousUrl = strtok(url()->previous(), '?');

return redirect()->to(
    $previousUrl . '?' . http_build_query(['foo' => 'bar'])

Hope this helps.


If you're using Redirect::to() then is simple.

return Redirect::to('route_name?q='.$append_data)

If you want to use Redirect::back() then do these following

# Pass the value while redirecting
return Redirect::back()->with('query_data', 'some_data');

And add condition to your blade file.

@if(!empty(Session::get('query_data')) && Session::get('query_data') == 'some_data')
$(function() {
    //Change the tab using javascript or
    //use location.href to refresh after appending query params to url.
  • For me, Redirect::to( needed a "\" in front of it, and even then, it abandoned the query string parameters.
    – Ryan
    Jul 7, 2018 at 1:55

You can use sessions for this:

return redirect()->back()->with('tab', 'info');

To get info from session, use session() global helper which works in controllers and views:


Another way is

return \Redirect::route('route_name',['query1'=>'query1value','query2','query2value']);

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