Sonarqube issues view shows only violations against top 15 rules, Is there a way I could see a list of all rules with issues count.

Both ProjectIssueFilter and IssueFilter show only 15 issues in the view. The filter shows this message "Only the first 15 results are displayed". Is there a way to see the complete list?

2 Answers 2


No, it is not possible to see more rules (writing at the time of SonarQube 6.1). It is planned to be improved. You can vote and follow the ticket https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONAR-6400.


A trick I use to see more rules:

  • filter on Directory and/or Files.
  • You can sometimes see more rules, which was previously not visible.
  • Select the previously hidden rule(s).
  • Remove the filter on Directory and/or Files
  • You will still see the hidden rules with all the occurrences

It's a bit a pain, but it works...

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