I dragged and dropped two header files from File Explorer to the Solution Explorer and the solution will not compile because it does not have a path to the files.
2 Answers
If you just type #include "myclass.hh"
its expected to be in the same folder as the file you are writing in.
check if they are in the same folder, if not you can write the full path or the path from your current folder.
would be if you have a structure like this:
Your .cpp file is in cur_folder, which is in the same folder as other_folder and inside this is your myclass.hh
hope you get my point^^
Dragging/droping a file doesn't add it to your current project, they're only opened and showed in the editor.
To add an existing file to your project you just have to right click it and choose
add -> existing file
This may not be the exact words, i'm using the french version of it
folder either though.