I have written a script to retrieve certain value from file.json. It works if I provide the value to jq select, but the variable doesn't seem to work (or I don't know how to use it).


#this works ***
projectID=$(cat file.json | jq -r '.resource[] | select(.username=="[email protected]") | .id')
echo "$projectID"

[email protected]

#this does not work *** no value is printed
projectID=$(cat file.json | jq -r '.resource[] | select(.username=="$EMAILID") | .id')
echo "$projectID"
  • 9
    A related issue: passing bash variable to jq filter has the slightly different syntax jq -r --arg var "$var" '.[$var]' stackoverflow.com/questions/34745451/…
    – enharmonic
    Commented Feb 19, 2020 at 18:11
  • EMAILIDis between single quotes and does not get expanded. Write it as '"$EMAILID"' to take it out of the single quotes. Commented Mar 24, 2023 at 8:53

12 Answers 12


Consider also passing in the shell variable (EMAILID) as a jq variable (here also EMAILID, for the sake of illustration):

   projectID=$(jq -r --arg EMAILID "$EMAILID" '
        | select(.username==$EMAILID) 
        | .id' file.json)


For the record, another possibility would be to use jq's env function for accessing environment variables. For example, consider this sequence of bash commands:

[email protected]  # not exported

The output is a JSON string:

"[email protected]"

shell arrays

Unfortunately, shell arrays are a different kettle of fish. Here are two SO resources regarding the ingestion of such arrays:

JQ - create JSON array using bash array with space

Convert bash array to json array and insert to file using jq

  • 6
    This is the only 100%-safe answer; it lets jq properly create the filter using the value, rather than using bash to create a string that jq interprets as a filter. (Consider what happens if the value of EMAILID contains a ).)
    – chepner
    Commented Oct 16, 2016 at 2:35
  • 2
    My use case, it works! function n2 { termux-contact-list |jq -r --arg v1 "$1" '.[] | select(.name==$v1)|.number' } Calling: n2 Name1
    – Timo
    Commented Aug 19, 2018 at 7:12
  • 6
    fyi, jq's env function is changed between jq 1.4 and 1.5+, so references to env.EMAILID (in this answer's example) do not work in jq 1.4, thus recommending using the --arg EMAILID "$EMAILID" construct if you need to use jq 1.4 . Hope this helps; just took me a day+ to figure this out for myself ;)
    – m0j0hn
    Commented Oct 4, 2018 at 20:15
  • 2
    In my case I had to use parenthesis around the variable name, and since it was inside a select I had to escape it too, like this jq --arg var "${SHELL_VAR}" '.UserPools[] | select(.Name == "\($var)-some-string")'
    – Federico
    Commented May 23, 2019 at 2:24
  • 5
    Arguments passed using --arg will be passed as strings. If you want to pass data of a different JSON type, use --argjson, which will parse the string as JSON, e.g., --argjson myObj '{"a": [1, 2]}' Commented Feb 17, 2020 at 16:59

I resolved this issue by escaping the inner double quotes

projectID=$(cat file.json | jq -r ".resource[] | select(.username==\"$EMAILID\") | .id")
  • 2
    I am using this because --arg doesn't play nice with -c
    – dimisjim
    Commented Apr 30, 2020 at 12:56

Little unrelated but I will still put it here, For other practical purposes shell variables can be used as -

jq  '."key" = "'"$value"'"' file.json
  • Thank you very much, it worked. I was unable to insert the BASH variable in jq query. However this method of string concatenation worked Commented Oct 6, 2023 at 12:03

Posting it here as it might help others. In string it might be necessary to pass the quotes to jq. To do the following with jq:

.items[] | select(.name=="string")

in bash you could do

projectID=$(cat file.json | jq -r '.resource[] | select(.username=='\"$EMAILID\"') | .id')

essentially escaping the quotes and passing it on to jq


It's a quote issue, you need :

  cat file.json | jq -r ".resource[] | select(.username==\"$EMAILID\") | .id"

If you put single quotes to delimit the main string, the shell takes $EMAILID literally.

"Double quote" every literal that contains spaces/metacharacters and every expansion: "$var", "$(command "$var")", "${array[@]}", "a & b". Use 'single quotes' for code or literal $'s: 'Costs $5 US', ssh host 'echo "$HOSTNAME"'. See

  • In my case error as well, similar if not using quotes at all: termux-contact-list |jq -r '.[] | select(.name=='$1')|.number'. Result: jq Compile error
    – Timo
    Commented Aug 19, 2018 at 7:04
  • 11
    I'm not sure why this comment has been voted up so many times; yes, double quotes allows for variable expansion, but jq doesn't like single quotes: jq: error: syntax error, unexpected INVALID_CHARACTER (Unix shell quoting issues?)
    – jdelman
    Commented May 29, 2019 at 19:01
  • 1
    If your input is a regular json, then its values would be double (not single) quoted. What works: Using double quotes for entire arg of jq and escaping (with `\`) any double quotes within, like @asid answered.
    – GuSuku
    Commented Nov 14, 2019 at 17:35
  • It does NOT work. If you put single quotes to delimit the main string, the shell takes $EMAILID literally. Assuming you set $EMAILID="[email protected]", the command cat file.json | jq -r ".resource[] | select(.username=='$EMAILID') | .id" actually runs as cat file.json | jq -r ".resource[] | select([email protected]) | .id" and incur a compile error for jq.
    – axiqia
    Commented Nov 26, 2020 at 12:35
  • This got me on the way to solving my issue. My final working string UPLOADED_ARNS=$(aws devicefarm list-uploads --arn ${PROJECT_ARN} | \ jq ".uploads[] | {arn: .arn, name: .name} | select (.name | contains(\"$FILE_EXTENSION\"))" | \ jq --raw-output '.arn') Commented Sep 30, 2021 at 18:19

Jq now have better way to access environment variables, you can use env.EMAILID:

projectID=$(cat file.json | jq -r ".resource[] | select(.username==env.EMAILID) | .id")
  • 1
    Hey DukeLion, it would be nice to precise the min required version to have this working. Your solution didn't work on jq version 1.6.
    – tkrishtop
    Commented Sep 15, 2022 at 9:48
  • I'm using version "jq-1.6" and the above works Commented May 11, 2023 at 14:03

Another way to accomplish this is with the jq "--arg" flag. Using the original example:


#this works ***
projectID=$(cat file.json | jq -r '.resource[] | 
select(.username=="[email protected]") | .id')
echo "$projectID"

[email protected]

# Use --arg to pass the variable to jq. This should work:
projectID=$(cat file.json | jq --arg EMAILID $EMAILID -r '.resource[] 
| select(.username=="$EMAILID") | .id')
echo "$projectID"

See here, which is where I found this solution: https://github.com/stedolan/jq/issues/626

  • I had to replace select(.username=="$EMAILID") with select(.username==$EMAILID) to make it work. (I removed the quotes). I'm using jq version 1.6. Commented Jan 17, 2023 at 16:43

I know is a bit later to reply, sorry. But that works for me.

export K8S_public_load_balancer_url="$(kubectl get services -n ${TENANT}-production -o wide | grep "ingress-nginx-internal$" | awk '{print $4}')"

And now I am able to fetch and pass the content of the variable to jq

export TF_VAR_public_load_balancer_url="$(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --region eu-west-1 | jq -r '.LoadBalancers[] | select (.DNSName == "'$K8S_public_load_balancer_url'") | .LoadBalancerArn')"

In my case I needed to use double quote and quote to access the variable value.



All solution above is failed, I got Success from below using one equal '=' not two '==' in select

shell_script | sed '1d'|  jq --arg VAR ${SHELL_VAR} -cC '.[]|select(.branch = $VAR).branch'

I also faced same issue of variable substitution with jq. I found that --arg is the option which must be used with square bracket [] otherwise it won't work.. I am giving you sample example below:

RUNNER_TOKEN=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $SECRET_ID | jq '.SecretString|fromjson' | jq --arg kt $SECRET_KEY -r '.[$kt]' | tr -d '"')

In case where we want to append some string to the variable value and we are using the escaped double quotes, for example appending .crt to a variable CERT_TYPE; the following should work:

$ CERT_TYPE=client.reader
$ cat certs.json | jq -r ".\"${CERT_TYPE}\".crt" #### This will *not* work #####
$ cat certs.json | jq -r ".\"${CERT_TYPE}.crt\""

it is simple to filter with the variable you set.My case is test on jq-1.6

projectID=$(cat file.json | jq -r ".resource[] | select(.username=="$EMAILID") | .id")"
  • Please, edit and try for How to Answer, describe the effect of what you propose and explain why it helps to solve the problem.
    – Yunnosch
    Commented Aug 6 at 18:09

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