I am using my department's computing cluster with Sun Grid Engine.

When I have to run multiple R jobs, I usually write shell script files with names s01.sh, s02.sh,...,s50.sh which have 'R CMD BATCH r01.r','R CMD BATCH r02.r',...,'R CMD BATCH r50.r' as its contents.

Then I open 'PUTTY', log in, and then have to type 'qsub s01.sh', 'qsub s02.sh'....etc.

If there are hundreds of jobs, it is a real labor to manually type hundred of jobs. Is there a way to run this multiple 'qsub' commands simultaneously?


2 Answers 2


Assuming the scripts to be run are in the current folder:

for file in s*.sh; do qsub $file; done

I think you just need to run the qsub commands sequentially, since qsub itself should be fairly quick. (The submitted commands will probably run in parallel.)

You just need a loop.

Assuming you've already created the r*.r files, this is easy to do with a small shell script:


for file in r*.r ; do
    script=$(echo $file | sed 's/^r/s/;s/\.r$/.sh/')
        echo "#/bin/sh"
        echo "R CMD BATCH $file"
    ) > $script
    chmod +x $script
    qsub $script
  • Thank you, but I still don't understand anything. So, should I type the code directly, or should I make a blahblah.sh file and contain your code into the .sh file?
    – user67275
    Commented Oct 15, 2016 at 2:45
  • @user67275: The latter is much easier. Create a script called, say, submit-jobs.sh containing the commands I wrote, run chmod +x submit-jobs.sh, then run the script. (Please note that I haven't tested it; I don't have qsub on my system.) Commented Oct 15, 2016 at 2:47

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