I'm trying to show the most commented posts of my web but is being impossible .-. I just got this mysql error all the time (Can't group on 'comments')

the relation between tables is:

table: post / colums: id_post, title, id_comment
table : comment / colums: id_comment, text, id_post

and this is the query I'm trying to use

SELECT p.title AS title, COUNT(c.id_comment) AS comments
FROM post p
INNER JOIN comment c ON p.id_post=c.id_post
GROUP BY comments DESC

Please any alternative or solution for this?

  • Your syntax is off -- desc is used with order by. Perhaps you are just looking for group by title?
    – sgeddes
    Oct 15, 2016 at 4:09
  • can you not ask questions with faulty characters in the titles thus forcing edits? Like you have on several occasions
    – Drew
    Oct 15, 2016 at 4:32

1 Answer 1


Why would you want to group by on the number of comments? You need order by clause to get the most commented to the top and group by posts:

SELECT p.title AS title, COUNT(c.id_comment) AS comments
FROM post p
INNER JOIN comment c ON p.id_post=c.id_post
GROUP BY p.id_post, p.title
ORDER BY comments DESC

You may want to have a limit clause as well to get the top N commented posts only.


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