Compilers are allowed to do whatever they want as long as the observable behavior (see 1.9 [intro.execution] paragraph 8) is identical to that specified by the [correct(*)] program. Observable behavior is specified in terms of I/O operations (using standard C++ library I/O) and access to volatile
objects (although the compiler actually isn't really required to treat volatile
objects special if it can prove that these aren't in observable memory). To this end the C++ execution system may employ parallel techniques.
Your example program actually has no observable outcome and compilers are good a constant folding programs to find out that the program actually does nothing. At best, the heat radiated from the CPU could be an indication of work but the amount of energy consumed isn't one of the observable effects, i.e., the C++ execution system isn't required to do that. If you compile the code above with clang with optimization turned on (-O2
or higher) it will actually entirely remove the loops (use the -S
option to have the compiler emit assembly code to reasonably easy inspect the results).
Assuming you have actually loops which are forced to be executed, most contemporary compilers (at least, gcc, clang, and icc) will try to vectorize the code taking advantage of SIMD instructions. To do so, the compiler needs to comprehend the operations in the code to prove that parallel execution doesn't change the results or introduced data races (as far as I can tell, the exact results are actually not necessarily retained when floating point operations are involved as some of the compilers happily parallelize, e.g., loops adding float
s although floating point addition isn't associative).
I'm not aware of a contemporary compiler which will utilize different threads of execution to improve the speed of execution without some form of hints like Open MP's pragmas. However, discussion at the committee meetings imply that compiler vendors are considering to so at least.
(*) The C++ standard imposes no restriction on the C++ execution system in case the program execution results in undefined behavior. Correct programs wouldn't invoke any form of undefined behavior.
tl;dr: compilers are allowed but not required to execute code in parallel and most contemporary compilers do so in some situations.
itself, rather than the values in it.