In Ruby, I can go:

"Sergio"[1..-1] #> "ergio"

Doing the same in Elixir gives a runtime error:

iex(1)> "Sergio"[1..-1]
** (CompileError) iex:1: the Access syntax and calls to Access.get/2 are not available for the value: "Sergio"

Also tried:

iex(1)> String.slice("Sergio", 1, -1)
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in String.slice/3
(elixir) lib/string.ex:1471: String.slice("Sergio", 1, -1)

How can I get a substring from a string in Elixir?

3 Answers 3


You can use String.slice/2:

iex(1)> String.slice("Sergio", 1..-1)
iex(2)> String.slice("Sergio", 0..-3)                
  • Realize it's long after the fact but shouldn't that second expression be: String.slice("Sergio",0..3) (you've got -3 there). Nov 7, 2017 at 15:23
  • 2
    @OnorioCatenacci In this case -3 and 3 return the same thing. -3 counts from the back, 3 from the front.
    – Peter R
    Jun 1, 2018 at 3:45

If you want to get substring without first letter you can use also:

"Sergio" |> String.to_charlist() |> tl() |> to_string()

And another way to get substring from the end is:

a = "Sergio"
len = String.length(a)
String.slice(a, -len + 1, len - 1) # "ergio"
#this -len + 1 is -1(len - 1) and it's exact to Ruby's -1 when slicing string.
  • 1
    Your first method returns a charlist not a string. You'd want to add |> to_string() to the end. Oct 25, 2016 at 18:38

Besides String#slice there are also other ways to come up with the same result:

"Sergio" |> String.split(~r|(?<=\A.)|) |> List.last |> IO.inspect
#=> "ergio"
~r|(?<=\A.).*| |> Regex.run("Sergio") |> List.last |> IO.inspect
#=> "ergio"

In this particular case they bring no added value, but in some more complicated cases (as a reference to ruby's "Sergio"[/.../] they might have some sense.

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