I wish to have long and short forms of command line options invoked using my shell script.

I know that getopts can be used, but like in Perl, I have not been able to do the same with shell.

Any ideas on how this can be done, so that I can use options like:

./shell.sh --copyfile abc.pl /tmp/
./shell.sh -c abc.pl /tmp/

In the above, both the commands mean the same thing to my shell, but using getopts, I have not been able to implement these?

  • 6
    IMHO, the accepted answer is not the best one. It does not show how to use getopts to handle both "-" and "--" arguments, which can be done, as @Arvid Requate demonstrated. I'm inserting another answer using similar concept, but also deals with user error of "forgetting" to insert values for arguments that are needed. Key point: getopts can be made to work. User should avoid using "getopt" instead if cross-platform portability is needed. Also, getopts is part of POSIX standard for shells, so it is likely to be portable.
    – pauljohn32
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 14:33
  • Possible duplicate of How do I parse command line arguments in Bash?
    – rds
    Commented Oct 17, 2018 at 16:03
  • @pauljohn32 well you're wrong. it's a bad idea, like parsing html with with regular expressions. the answer to both is 'you shouldn't, because <reasons>, but there's a better way'. Commented Aug 16 at 18:03

32 Answers 32


getopt and getopts are different beasts, and people seem to have a bit of misunderstanding of what they do. getopts is a built-in command to bash to process command-line options in a loop and assign each found option and value in turn to built-in variables, so you can further process them. getopt, however, is an external utility program, and it doesn't actually process your options for you the way that e.g. bash getopts, the Perl Getopt module or the Python optparse/argparse modules do. All that getopt does is canonicalize the options that are passed in — i.e. convert them to a more standard form, so that it's easier for a shell script to process them. For example, an application of getopt might convert the following:

myscript -ab infile.txt -ooutfile.txt

into this:

myscript -a -b -o outfile.txt infile.txt

You have to do the actual processing yourself. You don't have to use getopt at all if you make various restrictions on the way you can specify options:

  • only put one option per argument;
  • all options go before any positional parameters (i.e. non-option arguments);
  • for options with values (e.g. -o above), the value has to go as a separate argument (after a space).

Why use getopt instead of getopts? The basic reason is that only GNU getopt gives you support for long-named command-line options.1 (GNU getopt is the default on Linux. Mac OS X and FreeBSD come with a basic and not-very-useful getopt, but the GNU version can be installed; see below.)

For example, here's an example of using GNU getopt, from a script of mine called javawrap:

# NOTE: This requires GNU getopt.  On Mac OS X and FreeBSD, you have to install this
# separately; see below.
TEMP=$(getopt -o vdm: --long verbose,debug,memory:,debugfile:,minheap:,maxheap: \
              -n 'javawrap' -- "$@")

if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi

# Note the quotes around '$TEMP': they are essential!
eval set -- "$TEMP"

while true; do
  case "$1" in
    -v | --verbose ) VERBOSE=true; shift ;;
    -d | --debug ) DEBUG=true; shift ;;
    -m | --memory ) MEMORY="$2"; shift 2 ;;
    --debugfile ) DEBUGFILE="$2"; shift 2 ;;
    --minheap )
      JAVA_MISC_OPT="$JAVA_MISC_OPT -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=$2"; shift 2 ;;
    --maxheap )
      JAVA_MISC_OPT="$JAVA_MISC_OPT -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=$2"; shift 2 ;;
    -- ) shift; break ;;
    * ) break ;;

This lets you specify options like --verbose -dm4096 --minh=20 --maxhe 40 --debugfi="/Users/John Johnson/debug.txt" or similar. The effect of the call to getopt is to canonicalize the options to --verbose -d -m 4096 --minheap 20 --maxheap 40 --debugfile "/Users/John Johnson/debug.txt" so that you can more easily process them. The quoting around "$1" and "$2" is important as it ensures that arguments with spaces in them get handled properly.

If you delete the first 9 lines (everything up through the eval set line), the code will still work! However, your code will be much pickier in what sorts of options it accepts: In particular, you'll have to specify all options in the "canonical" form described above. With the use of getopt, however, you can group single-letter options, use shorter non-ambiguous forms of long-options, use either the --file foo.txt or --file=foo.txt style, use either the -m 4096 or -m4096 style, mix options and non-options in any order, etc. getopt also outputs an error message if unrecognized or ambiguous options are found.

NOTE: There are actually two totally different versions of getopt, basic getopt and GNU getopt, with different features and different calling conventions.2 Basic getopt is quite broken: Not only does it not handle long options, it also can't even handle embedded spaces inside of arguments or empty arguments, whereas getopts does do this right. The above code will not work in basic getopt. GNU getopt is installed by default on Linux, but on Mac OS X and FreeBSD it needs to be installed separately. On Mac OS X, install MacPorts (http://www.macports.org) and then do sudo port install getopt to install GNU getopt (usually into /opt/local/bin), and make sure that /opt/local/bin is in your shell path ahead of /usr/bin. On FreeBSD, install misc/getopt.

A quick guide to modifying the example code for your own program: Of the first few lines, all is "boilerplate" that should stay the same, except the line that calls getopt. You should change the program name after -n, specify short options after -o, and long options after --long. Put a colon after options that take a value.

Finally, if you see code that has just set instead of eval set, it was written for BSD getopt. You should change it to use the eval set style, which works fine with both versions of getopt, while the plain set doesn't work right with GNU getopt.

1Actually, getopts in ksh93 supports long-named options, but this shell isn't used as often as bash. In zsh, use zparseopts to get this functionality.

2Technically, "GNU getopt" is a misnomer; this version was actually written for Linux rather than the GNU project. However, it follows all the GNU conventions, and the term "GNU getopt" is commonly used (e.g. on FreeBSD).

  • 4
    This was very helpful, the idea of using getopt to check the options and then process those options in a very simple loop worked really well when I wanted to add long style options to a bash script. Thanks.
    – ianmjones
    Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 11:48
  • 7
    getopt on Linux is not a GNU utility and the traditional getopt doesn't come initially from BSD but from AT&T Unix. ksh93's getopts (also from AT&T) supports GNU-style long options. Commented Jan 29, 2013 at 15:06
  • 2
    It comes from the util-linux package, so it is Linux only as that bundle of software is meant for Linux only (that getopt could easily be ported to other Unices, but many other software in util-linux are Linux-specific). All non-GNU programs making use of GNU getopt(3) understand $POSIX_CORRECT. For instance, you wouldn't say that aplay is GNU just on those grounds. I suspect that when FreeBSD mention GNU getopt, they mean the GNU getopt(3) C API. Commented Jun 24, 2013 at 6:39
  • 1
    May I ask why we need quotes around "$TEMP"? After parsed by getopt, there will not be semicolons. After set --, dashes and quotes will just be regarded as arguments. I have tested for a few combinations. Yet I still cannot find an example where eval set -- $TEMP behaves differently from eval set -- "$TEMP". Thanks for the great answer.
    – midnite
    Commented Apr 13, 2022 at 14:14
  • 1
    I found the quotes around "$TEMP" is necessary when the command line option argument, $OPTARG, contains more than one space. For example my.sh -t "A A". There are 3 spaces in between. Without the quotes around "$TEMP", things will not break. But the argument will become A A (one space), rather than the correct A A (three spaces). Is this the only concern?
    – midnite
    Commented Apr 13, 2022 at 14:36

There are three implementations that may be considered:

  • Bash builtin getopts. This does not support long option names with the double-dash prefix. It only supports single-character options.

  • BSD UNIX implementation of standalone getopt command (which is what MacOS uses). This does not support long options either.

  • GNU implementation of standalone getopt. GNU getopt(3) (used by the command-line getopt(1) on Linux) supports parsing long options.

Some other answers show a solution for using the bash builtin getopts to mimic long options. That solution actually makes a short option whose character is "-". So you get "--" as the flag. Then anything following that becomes OPTARG, and you test the OPTARG with a nested case.

This is clever, but it comes with caveats:

  • getopts can't enforce the opt spec. It can't return errors if the user supplies an invalid option. You have to do your own error-checking as you parse OPTARG.
  • OPTARG is used for the long option name, which complicates usage when your long option itself has an argument. You end up having to code that yourself as an additional case.

So while it is possible to write more code to work around the lack of support for long options, this is a lot more work and partially defeats the purpose of using a getopt parser to simplify your code.

  • 45
    So. What is the cross-platform, portable solution?
    – troelskn
    Commented Oct 17, 2009 at 23:05
  • 8
    GNU Getopt seems to be the only choice. On Mac, install GNU getopt from macports. On Windows, I'd install GNU getopt with Cygwin. Commented Oct 18, 2009 at 4:23
  • 2
    Apparently, ksh getopts can handle long options.
    – Tgr
    Commented Jul 23, 2010 at 14:13
  • 1
    @Bill +1, although it is also fairly simple to build getopt from source (software.frodo.looijaard.name/getopt) on Mac. You can also check the version of getopt installed on your system from within scripts with "getopt -T; echo $?".
    – Chinasaur
    Commented Aug 30, 2011 at 17:55
  • 8
    @Bill Karwin: "The bash getopts builtin does not support long option names with the double-dash prefix." But getopts can be made to support long options: see stackoverflow.com/a/7680682/915044 below.
    – TomRoche
    Commented Aug 11, 2014 at 0:47

The Bash builtin getopts function can be used to parse long options by putting a dash character followed by a colon into the optspec:

#!/usr/bin/env bash 
while getopts "$optspec" optchar; do
    case "${optchar}" in
            case "${OPTARG}" in
                    val="${!OPTIND}"; OPTIND=$(( $OPTIND + 1 ))
                    echo "Parsing option: '--${OPTARG}', value: '${val}'" >&2;
                    echo "Parsing option: '--${opt}', value: '${val}'" >&2
                    if [ "$OPTERR" = 1 ] && [ "${optspec:0:1}" != ":" ]; then
                        echo "Unknown option --${OPTARG}" >&2
            echo "usage: $0 [-v] [--loglevel[=]<value>]" >&2
            exit 2
            echo "Parsing option: '-${optchar}'" >&2
            if [ "$OPTERR" != 1 ] || [ "${optspec:0:1}" = ":" ]; then
                echo "Non-option argument: '-${OPTARG}'" >&2

After copying to executable file name=getopts_test.sh in the current working directory, one can produce output like

$ ./getopts_test.sh
$ ./getopts_test.sh -f
Non-option argument: '-f'
$ ./getopts_test.sh -h
usage: code/getopts_test.sh [-v] [--loglevel[=]<value>]
$ ./getopts_test.sh --help
$ ./getopts_test.sh -v
Parsing option: '-v'
$ ./getopts_test.sh --very-bad
$ ./getopts_test.sh --loglevel
Parsing option: '--loglevel', value: ''
$ ./getopts_test.sh --loglevel 11
Parsing option: '--loglevel', value: '11'
$ ./getopts_test.sh --loglevel=11
Parsing option: '--loglevel', value: '11'

Obviously getopts neither performs OPTERR checking nor option-argument parsing for the long options. The script fragment above shows how this may be done manually. The basic principle also works in the Debian Almquist shell ("dash"). Note the special case:

getopts -- "-:"  ## without the option terminator "-- " bash complains about "-:"
getopts "-:"     ## this works in the Debian Almquist shell ("dash")

Note that, as GreyCat from over at http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ points out, this trick exploits a non-standard behaviour of the shell which permits the option-argument (i.e. the filename in "-f filename") to be concatenated to the option (as in "-ffilename"). The POSIX standard says there must be a space between them, which in the case of "-- longoption" would terminate the option-parsing and turn all longoptions into non-option arguments.

  • 2
    One question: what is the semantics of ! in val="${!OPTIND} ?
    – TomRoche
    Commented Aug 11, 2014 at 0:41
  • 2
    @TomRoche it is Indirect Substitution: unix.stackexchange.com/a/41293/84316
    – ecbrodie
    Commented Sep 16, 2014 at 3:25
  • 2
    @ecbrodie: It is because two arguments have actually been processed, as opposed to just one. The first argument is the word "loglevel", and the next is the argument to that argument. Meanwhile, getopts automatically only increments OPTIND with 1, but in our case we need it to increment by 2, so we increment it by 1 manually, then let getopts increment it by 1 again for us automatically. Commented Oct 14, 2014 at 22:42
  • 4
    Since we're into bash equilibrism here: Naked variable names are allowed inside arithmetic expressions, no $ necessary. OPTIND=$(( $OPTIND + 1 )) can be just OPTIND=$(( OPTIND + 1 )). Even more interestingly, you can even assign and increase variables inside an arithmetic expression, so it's possible to abbreviate it further to : $(( ++OPTIND )), or even (( ++OPTIND )) taking into account that ++OPTIND will always be positive, so it won't trip up a shell run with the -e option. :-) gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Shell-Arithmetic.html
    – clacke
    Commented Apr 8, 2016 at 13:12
  • 4
    Why doesn't --very-bad give a warning?
    – Tom Hale
    Commented Nov 2, 2017 at 4:43

Long options can be parsed by the standard getopts builtin as “arguments” to the - “option”

This is portable and native POSIX shell – no external programs or bashisms are needed.

This guide implements long options as arguments to the - option, so --alpha is seen by getopts as - with argument alpha and --bravo=foo is seen as - with argument bravo=foo. The true argument is harvested via shell parameter expansion, updating $OPT and $OPTARG.

In this example, arguments are accepted for -b, --bravo, and --charlie. -b/--bravo requires an argument, --charlie accepts an optional argument, and -c prohibits arguments (getopts doesn't support optional arguments, so option c was specified without a : since that would require an argument). Arguments to long options follow equals signs, like --bravo=foo (space delimiters for long options aren't reliably portable, see below).

By using the getopts builtin, this supports usage like cmd --charlie=chaplin -ab FILE, which has combined options -a and -b and interleaves long options with standard options, something many other answers here either struggle or fail to do.

die() { echo "$*" >&2; exit 2; }  # complain to STDERR and exit with error
needs_arg() { if [ -z "$OPTARG" ]; then die "No arg for --$OPT option"; fi; }

# Defaults (to be thorough, you could also assign alpha="" and charlie="")
bravo="$HOME/Downloads"       # Overridden by the value set by -b or --bravo
charlie_default="brown"       # Only set given -c or --charlie without an arg

while getopts ab:c-: OPT; do  # allow -a, -b with arg, -c, and -- "with arg"
  # support long options: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28466267/519360
  if [ "$OPT" = "-" ]; then   # long option: reformulate OPT and OPTARG
    OPT="${OPTARG%%=*}"       # extract long option name
    OPTARG="${OPTARG#"$OPT"}" # extract long option argument (may be empty)
    OPTARG="${OPTARG#=}"      # if long option argument, remove assigning `=`
  case "$OPT" in
    a | alpha )    alpha=true ;;
    b | bravo )    needs_arg; bravo="$OPTARG" ;;
    c | charlie )  charlie="${OPTARG:-$charlie_default}" ;;  # optional argument
    \? )           exit 2 ;;  # bad short option (error reported via getopts)
    * )            die "Illegal option --$OPT" ;;            # bad long option
shift $((OPTIND-1)) # remove parsed options and args from $@ list

When the option is a dash (-), it is a long option. getopts will have parsed the actual long option into $OPTARG, e.g. --bravo=foo originally sets OPT='-' and OPTARG='bravo=foo'. The if stanza sets $OPT to the contents of $OPTARG before the first equals sign (bravo in our example) and then removes that from the beginning of $OPTARG (yielding =foo in this step, or an empty string if there is no =). Finally, we strip the argument's leading =. At this point, $OPT is either a short option (one character) or a long option (2+ characters).

You can accept optional arguments to long options! --charlie omits needs_arg and assigns to ${OPTARG:-$charlie_default}, which uses $charlie_default when $OPTARG is empty. (getopts can't allow an optional argument for -c and therefore prohibits it.)

The case then matches either short or long options (the pipe, |, indicates that "or" operation. A long-only option like delta ) delta=true ;; doesn't need a pipe). For short options, getopts automatically complains about options and missing arguments, so we have to manually replicate those by using the needs_arg function to fatally exit when $OPTARG is empty.

When getopts sees an unspecified short option, it throws its own error and converts $OPT to a question mark. The \? condition matches that and exits silently. The final * matches anything else, which should be an invalid long option, mimics the getopts error message, and then exits.

As is normal for GNU-style long options, providing -- will stop parsing, so -a -- --bravo=4 will set $alpha to true but $bravo will remain untouched and $1 will be --bravo=4. I don't recommend naming files with leading dashes, but this is how you denote they aren't options.

Uppercase variable names: Generally, the advice is to reserve all-uppercase variables for system use. I'm keeping $OPT as all-uppercase to keep it in line with $OPTARG, but this does break that convention. I think it fits because this is something the system should have done, and it should be safe; I haven't heard of any standards that use this variable name.

To complain about unexpected arguments to long options: Mimic needs_arg with a flipped test to complain about an argument when one isn't expected:

no_arg() { if [ -n "$OPTARG" ]; then die "No arg allowed for --$OPT option"; fi; }

To accept long options with space-delimited arguments: You can pull in the next argument with eval "ARG_B=\"\$$OPTIND\"" (or with bash's indirect expansion, ARG_B="${!OPTIND}") and then increment $OPTIND as noted in an older version of this answer, but it's unreliable; getopts can prematurely terminate on the assumption that the argument was beyond its scope and some implementations don't take well to manual manipulations of $OPTIND.

  • 2
    @Arne Positional arguments are bad UX; they're hard to understand and optional arguments are quite messy. getopts stops at the first positional argument since it's not designed to deal with them. This allows sub-commands with their own arguments, e.g. git diff --color, so I'd interpret command --foo=moo bar --baz waz as having --foo as an argument to command and --baz waz as an argument (with option) to the bar sub-command. This can be done with the above code. I reject --bravo -blah because --bravo requires an argument and it is unclear that -blah isn't another option.
    – Adam Katz
    Commented Sep 20, 2016 at 16:09
  • 4
    I disagree about the UX: positional arguments are useful and easy, as long as you limit their number (to at most 2 or 1 plus N-of-the-same-type). It should be possible to intersperse them with keyword arguments, because users can then build a command step by step (i.e. ls a b c -la). Commented Sep 21, 2016 at 9:42
  • 1
    @AdamKatz: I wrote a small article with this: draketo.de/english/free-software/shell-argument-parsing — includes repeated reading of remaining arguments to catch trailing options. Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 8:35
  • 1
    This is superb. Thank you very much for sharing it. You mention that this is POSIX-compatible and does not include any Bashisms. For situations where Bash is guaranteed, could this approach be simplified at all by embracing Bash, or would doing so provide no benefit? Commented Aug 1, 2022 at 14:56
  • 2
    This is absolutely BRILLIANT ! I tried many ways myself to mix short and long options in a kinda portable ways, but your way is by far simpler, easier to grok, and even more compatible than my attempts. Thank you Commented Aug 23, 2022 at 14:44

The built-in getopts command is still, AFAIK, limited to single-character options only.

There is (or used to be) an external program getopt that would reorganize a set of options such that it was easier to parse. You could adapt that design to handle long options too. Example usage:

set -- $(getopt abf: "$@")
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
    case "$1" in
    (-a) aflag=yes;;
    (-b) bflag=yes;;
    (-f) flist="$flist $2"; shift;;
    (--) shift; break;;
    (-*) echo "$0: error - unrecognized option $1" 1>&2; exit 1;;
    (*)  break;;

# Process remaining non-option arguments

You could use a similar scheme with a getoptlong command.

Note that the fundamental weakness with the external getopt program is the difficulty of handling arguments with spaces in them, and in preserving those spaces accurately. This is why the built-in getopts is superior, albeit limited by the fact it only handles single-letter options.

  • 11
    getopt, except for the GNU version (which has a different calling convention), is fundamentally broken. Do not use it. Please use **getopts instead bash-hackers.org/wiki/doku.php/howto/getopts_tutorial
    – hendry
    Commented Aug 20, 2009 at 23:21
  • 10
    @hendry - from your own link: "Note that getopts is not able to parse GNU-style long options (--myoption) or XF86-style long options (-myoption)!"
    – Tom Auger
    Commented Jul 18, 2011 at 19:32
  • 1
    Jonathan -- you should rewrite the example to use eval set with quotes (see my answer below) so that it also works correctly with GNU getopt (the default on Linux) and handles spaces correctly. Commented Jul 22, 2012 at 0:25
  • @UrbanVagabond: I'm not sure why I should do that. The question is tagged Unix, not Linux. I'm showing the traditional mechanism, deliberately, and it has issues with blanks in arguments, etc. You can demonstrate the modern Linux-specific version if you wish, and your answer does that. (I note, passim, that your use of ${1+"$@"} is quaint and at odds with what's necessary in modern shells and specifically with any shell you'd find on Linux. See Using $1:+"$@"} in /bin/sh for a discussion of that notation.) Commented Jul 22, 2012 at 1:13
  • 1
    The link from @hendry’s comment (the first comment to this answer) has moved to wiki.bash-hackers.org/howto/getopts_tutorial
    – Adam Katz
    Commented Oct 13, 2021 at 16:12

Here's an example that actually uses getopt with long options:


# options may be followed by one colon to indicate they have a required argument
if ! options=$(getopt -o abc: -l along,blong,clong: -- "$@")
    # something went wrong, getopt will put out an error message for us
    exit 1

set -- $options

while [ $# -gt 0 ]
    case $1 in
    -a|--along) aflag="yes" ;;
    -b|--blong) bflag="yes" ;;
    # for options with required arguments, an additional shift is required
    -c|--clong) cargument="$2" ; shift;;
    (--) shift; break;;
    (-*) echo "$0: error - unrecognized option $1" 1>&2; exit 1;;
    (*) break;;
  • 1
    You should rewrite the example to use eval set with quotes (see my answer below) so that it also works correctly with GNU getopt (the default on Linux) and handles spaces correctly. Commented Jul 22, 2012 at 0:25
  • 3
    This is using getopt while the question is about getopts though. Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 12:42
  • 1
    Are (--, (-* and (* valid patterns? How are they different from --, -* and *?
    – Maëlan
    Commented Mar 28, 2019 at 15:51
  • 2
    @Maëlan – The leading open parenthesis is optional, so (--) is identical to --) in a case stanza. It is odd to see the uneven indentation and inconsistent use of that optional leading parens, but the answer's current code looks valid to me.
    – Adam Katz
    Commented Oct 28, 2019 at 14:43
  • Took me 1 day to read about getopt vs getops, I still prefer getopt because geopts is more confusing to implement long command.
    – Kalib Zen
    Commented Dec 24, 2022 at 8:15

Using getopts with short/long options and arguments

Works with all combinations, e.g:

  • foobar -f --bar
  • foobar --foo -b
  • foobar -bf --bar --foobar
  • foobar -fbFBAshorty --bar -FB --arguments=longhorn
  • foobar -fA "text shorty" -B --arguments="text longhorn"
  • bash foobar -F --barfoo
  • sh foobar -B --foobar - ...
  • bash ./foobar -F --bar

Some declarations for this example

sfoo='no '
sbar='no '
sfoobar='no '
sbarfoo='no '
sarguments='no '
lfoo='no '
lbar='no '
lfoobar='no '
lbarfoo='no '
larguments='no '

How the Usage function would look

function _usage() 
  ###### U S A G E : Help and ERROR ######
  cat <<EOF
   foobar $Options
          Usage: foobar <[options]>
                  -b   --bar            Set bar to yes    ($foo)
                  -f   --foo            Set foo to yes    ($bart)
                  -h   --help           Show this message
                  -A   --arguments=...  Set arguments to yes ($arguments) AND get ARGUMENT ($ARG)
                  -B   --barfoo         Set barfoo to yes ($barfoo)
                  -F   --foobar         Set foobar to yes ($foobar)

[ $# = 0 ] && _usage "  >>>>>>>> no options given "

getops with long/short flags as well as long arguments

while getopts ':bfh-A:BF' OPTION ; do
  case "$OPTION" in
    b  ) sbar=yes                       ;;
    f  ) sfoo=yes                       ;;
    h  ) _usage                         ;;   
    A  ) sarguments=yes;sARG="$OPTARG"  ;;
    B  ) sbarfoo=yes                    ;;
    F  ) sfoobar=yes                    ;;
    -  ) [ $OPTIND -ge 1 ] && optind=$(expr $OPTIND - 1 ) || optind=$OPTIND
         eval OPTION="\$$optind"
         OPTARG=$(echo $OPTION | cut -d'=' -f2)
         OPTION=$(echo $OPTION | cut -d'=' -f1)
         case $OPTION in
             --foo       ) lfoo=yes                       ;;
             --bar       ) lbar=yes                       ;;
             --foobar    ) lfoobar=yes                    ;;
             --barfoo    ) lbarfoo=yes                    ;;
             --help      ) _usage                         ;;
             --arguments ) larguments=yes;lARG="$OPTARG"  ;; 
             * )  _usage " Long: >>>>>>>> invalid options (long) " ;;
    ? )  _usage "Short: >>>>>>>> invalid options (short) "  ;;


echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
echo "RESULT short-foo      : $sfoo                                    long-foo      : $lfoo"
echo "RESULT short-bar      : $sbar                                    long-bar      : $lbar"
echo "RESULT short-foobar   : $sfoobar                                 long-foobar   : $lfoobar"
echo "RESULT short-barfoo   : $sbarfoo                                 long-barfoo   : $lbarfoo"
echo "RESULT short-arguments: $sarguments  with Argument = \"$sARG\"   long-arguments: $larguments and $lARG"

Combining the above into a cohesive script

# foobar: getopts with short and long options AND arguments

function _cleanup ()
  unset -f _usage _cleanup ; return 0

## Clear out nested functions on exit
trap _cleanup INT EXIT RETURN

###### some declarations for this example ######
sfoo='no '
sbar='no '
sfoobar='no '
sbarfoo='no '
sarguments='no '
lfoo='no '
lbar='no '
lfoobar='no '
lbarfoo='no '
larguments='no '

function _usage() 
  ###### U S A G E : Help and ERROR ######
  cat <<EOF
   foobar $Options
          Usage: foobar <[options]>
                  -b   --bar            Set bar to yes    ($foo)
                    -f   --foo            Set foo to yes    ($bart)
                      -h   --help           Show this message
                  -A   --arguments=...  Set arguments to yes ($arguments) AND get ARGUMENT ($ARG)
                  -B   --barfoo         Set barfoo to yes ($barfoo)
                  -F   --foobar         Set foobar to yes ($foobar)

[ $# = 0 ] && _usage "  >>>>>>>> no options given "

#######  "getopts" with: short options  AND  long options  #######
#######            AND  short/long arguments               #######
while getopts ':bfh-A:BF' OPTION ; do
  case "$OPTION" in
    b  ) sbar=yes                       ;;
    f  ) sfoo=yes                       ;;
    h  ) _usage                         ;;   
    A  ) sarguments=yes;sARG="$OPTARG"  ;;
    B  ) sbarfoo=yes                    ;;
    F  ) sfoobar=yes                    ;;
    -  ) [ $OPTIND -ge 1 ] && optind=$(expr $OPTIND - 1 ) || optind=$OPTIND
         eval OPTION="\$$optind"
         OPTARG=$(echo $OPTION | cut -d'=' -f2)
         OPTION=$(echo $OPTION | cut -d'=' -f1)
         case $OPTION in
             --foo       ) lfoo=yes                       ;;
             --bar       ) lbar=yes                       ;;
             --foobar    ) lfoobar=yes                    ;;
             --barfoo    ) lbarfoo=yes                    ;;
             --help      ) _usage                         ;;
               --arguments ) larguments=yes;lARG="$OPTARG"  ;; 
             * )  _usage " Long: >>>>>>>> invalid options (long) " ;;
    ? )  _usage "Short: >>>>>>>> invalid options (short) "  ;;
  • Does this not work with more than one long argument (--). It seems to only read the first one for me. Commented Dec 13, 2018 at 19:10
  • @Sinaesthetic – Yeah, I was playing with the eval approach for spaced arguments on long options and found it unreliable with certain shells (though I expect it'll work with bash, in which case you don't have to use eval). See my answer for how to accept long option arguments with = and my noted attempts for using space. My solution doesn't make external calls while this one uses cut a few times.
    – Adam Katz
    Commented Jan 10, 2020 at 15:37
  • I tried getting $lARG to retain $OPTARG, but it never works. I cant seem to provide any actual options to --arguments.
    – Dave
    Commented Dec 18, 2021 at 16:42
  • eval OPTION="\$$optind" will fail if optind greater then 9. $14 is evaluated to ${1}4. Commented Apr 1, 2023 at 23:24

Take a look at shFlags which is a portable shell library (meaning: sh, bash, dash, ksh, zsh on Linux, Solaris, etc.).

It makes adding new flags as simple as adding one line to your script, and it provides an auto generated usage function.

Here is a simple Hello, world! using shFlag:


# source shflags from current directory
. ./shflags

# define a 'name' command-line string flag
DEFINE_string 'name' 'world' 'name to say hello to' 'n'

# parse the command-line
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"

# say hello
echo "Hello, ${FLAGS_name}!"

For OSes that have the enhanced getopt that supports long options (e.g. Linux), you can do:

$ ./hello_world.sh --name Kate
Hello, Kate!

For the rest, you must use the short option:

$ ./hello_world.sh -n Kate
Hello, Kate!

Adding a new flag is as simple as adding a new DEFINE_ call.

  • 2
    This is fantastic but unfortunately my getopt (OS X) doesn't support spaces in arguments :/ wonder if there is an alternative. Commented Mar 16, 2011 at 16:16
  • @AlastairStuart -- there is indeed an alternative on OS X. Use MacPorts to install GNU getopt (it will usually be installed into /opt/local/bin/getopt). Commented Jul 9, 2012 at 5:56
  • 3
    @UrbanVagabond – the installation of non system default tools is unfortunately not an acceptable requirement for a sufficiently portable tool. Commented Jul 9, 2012 at 10:39
  • @AlastairStuart – see my answer for a portable solution that uses the getopts builtin rather than GNU getopt. It's the same as basic getopts usage but with an extra iteration for long options.
    – Adam Katz
    Commented Aug 31, 2017 at 15:03

Another way...

# translate long options to short
for arg
    case "$arg" in
       --help) args="${args}-h ";;
       --verbose) args="${args}-v ";;
       --config) args="${args}-c ";;
       # pass through anything else
       *) [[ "${arg:0:1}" == "-" ]] || delim="\""
           args="${args}${delim}${arg}${delim} ";;
# reset the translated args
eval set -- $args
# now we can process with getopt
while getopts ":hvc:" opt; do
    case $opt in
        h)  usage ;;
        v)  VERBOSE=true ;;
        c)  source $OPTARG ;;
        \?) usage ;;
        echo "option -$OPTARG requires an argument"
  • 1
    Doesn't this need a space in each $args reassignment? This could even be done with out bashisms, but this code will lose spaces in options and arguments (I don't think the $delim trick will work). You can instead run set inside the for loop if you are careful enough to empty it on only the first iteration. Here is a safer version without bashisms.
    – Adam Katz
    Commented Apr 16, 2016 at 2:06

I kind of solved this way:

# A string with command options

# An array with all the arguments

# Loop index

for argument in $options
    # Incrementing index
    index=`expr $index + 1`

    # The conditions
    case $argument in
      -a) echo "key $argument value ${arguments[index]}" ;;
      -abc) echo "key $argument value ${arguments[index]}" ;;


Am I being dumb or something? getopt and getopts are so confusing.

  • 1
    This seems to work for me, I don't know what the problem is with this method, but it seems simple, so there must be a reason everyone else is not using it.
    – Billy Moon
    Commented Aug 7, 2011 at 10:46
  • 1
    @Billy Yes, this is simple because I don't use any script to manage my parameters and etc. Basically I convert the arguments string ($@) to an array and I loop through it. In the loop, current value will be the key and the next one will be the value. Simple as that.
    – user339827
    Commented Aug 23, 2011 at 23:23
  • 1
    @Theodore I'm glad this was helpful to you! It was a pain to me as well. If you're interested, you can see an example of it in action here: raw.github.com/rafaelrinaldi/swf-to-html/master/swf-to-html.sh
    – user339827
    Commented Aug 23, 2011 at 23:24
  • 3
    Definitely the easiest way I've seen. I changed it a bit such as using i=$(( $i + 1 )) instead of expr but the concept is air-tight. Commented Nov 14, 2012 at 7:58
  • 7
    You are not dumb at all, but you may be missing a feature: getopt(s) can recognise options that are mixed (ex: -ltr or -lt -r as well as -l -t -r ). And it also provides some error handling, and an easy way to shift the treated parameters away once options treatment is finished. Commented Nov 28, 2012 at 18:08

In case you don't want the getopt dependency, you can do this:

while test $# -gt 0
  case $1 in

  # Normal option processing
    -h | --help)
      # usage and help
    -v | --version)
      # version info
  # ...

  # Special cases
      # error unknown (long) option $1
      # error unknown (short) option $1

  # Split apart combined short options
      set -- $(echo "$split" | cut -c 2- | sed 's/./-& /g') "$@"

  # Done with options

  # for testing purposes:
  echo "$1"


Of course, then you can't use long style options with one dash. And if you want to add shortened versions (e.g. --verbos instead of --verbose), then you need to add those manually.

But if you are looking to get getopts functionality along with long options, this is a simple way to do it.

I also put this snippet in a gist.

  • This seems to only work with one long option at a time, but it met my need. Thank you! Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 19:48
  • 1
    In the special case --) there seems to be a shift ; missing. At the moment the -- will stay as first non option argument.
    – dgw
    Commented Jan 31, 2014 at 15:06
  • I think that this is actually the better answer, though as dgw points out the -- option needs a shift in there. I say this is better because the alternatives are either platform dependent versions of getopt or getopts_long or you have to force short-options to be used only at the start of the command (i.e - you use getopts then process long options afterwards), whereas this gives any order and complete control.
    – Haravikk
    Commented Feb 19, 2014 at 14:18
  • This answer makes me wonder why we have a thread of dozens of answers to do the job that can be done with nothing more than this absolutely clear and straightforward solution, and if there's any reason for the billion getopt(s) use cases other than proving oneself. Commented Aug 7, 2017 at 0:50

The built-in getopts can't do this. There is an external getopt(1) program that can do this, but you only get it on Linux from the util-linux package. It comes with an example script getopt-parse.bash.

There is also a getopts_long written as a shell function.

  • 3
    The getopt was included in FreeBSD version 1.0 in 1993, and has been part of FreeBSD since then. As such, it was adopted from FreeBSD 4.x for inclusion in Apple's Darwin project. As of OS X 10.6.8, the man page included by Apple remains an exact duplicate of the FreeBSD man page. So yes, it's included in OS X and gobs of other operating systems beside Linux. -1 on this answer for the misinformation.
    – ghoti
    Commented Mar 27, 2012 at 3:41
while getopts "abc:d:" flag
  case $flag in
    a) echo "[getopts:$OPTIND]==> -$flag";;
    b) echo "[getopts:$OPTIND]==> -$flag";;
    c) echo "[getopts:$OPTIND]==> -$flag $OPTARG";;
    d) echo "[getopts:$OPTIND]==> -$flag $OPTARG";;

shift $((OPTIND-1))
echo "[otheropts]==> $@"



until [ -z "$1" ]; do
  case $1 in
      if [ "${1:1:0}" != "-" ]
        echo "==> dlong $1"
    *) echo "==> other $1"; shift;;
  • 4
    An explanation would be nice. The first script accepts short options only while the second script has a bug in its long option argument parsing; its variable should be "${1:0:1}" for argument #1, substring at index 0, length 1. This does not permit mixing short and long options.
    – Adam Katz
    Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 0:05

The accepted answer does a very nice job of pointing out all the shortcomings of bash built-in getopts. The answer ends with:

So while it is possible to write more code to work around the lack of support for long options, this is a lot more work and partially defeats the purpose of using a getopt parser to simplify your code.

And even though I agree in principle with that statement, I feel that the number of times we all implemented this feature in various scripts justifies putting a bit of effort into creating a "standardised", well tested solution.

As such, I've "upgraded" bash built in getopts by implementing getopts_long in pure bash, with no external dependencies. The usage of the function is 100% compatible with the built-in getopts.

By including getopts_long (which is hosted on GitHub) in a script, the answer to the original question can be implemented as simply as:

source "${PATH_TO}/getopts_long.bash"

while getopts_long ':c: copyfile:' OPTKEY; do
    case ${OPTKEY} in
            echo 'file supplied -- ${OPTARG}'
            echo "INVALID OPTION -- ${OPTARG}" >&2
            exit 1
            echo "MISSING ARGUMENT for option -- ${OPTARG}" >&2
            exit 1
            echo "Misconfigured OPTSPEC or uncaught option -- ${OPTKEY}" >&2
            exit 1

shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
[[ "${1}" == "--" ]] && shift
  • Nice work but wish to have different license like CC0 on that.
    – Kalib Zen
    Commented Dec 24, 2022 at 7:22
  • @kalib-zen: It's already licensed under MIT, which is one of the most permissive software licenses out there. Plus, Creative Commons themselves discourage the use of their licenses for software, though CC0 is a bit of a special case. Saying all that, I'm happy to consider dual licensing if you can make your case for CC0.
    – UrsaDK
    Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 16:21

In ksh93, getopts does support long names...

while getopts "f(file):s(server):" flag
    echo "$flag" $OPTIND $OPTARG

Or so the tutorials I have found have said. Try it and see.

  • 4
    This is ksh93's getopts builtin. Apart from this syntax, it also has a more complicated syntax that also allows long options without a short equivalent, and more.
    – jilles
    Commented Oct 9, 2011 at 12:28
  • 2
    A reasonable answer. The OP didn't specify WHAT shell.
    – ghoti
    Commented Mar 27, 2012 at 3:44

Inventing yet another version of the wheel...

This function is a (hopefully) POSIX-compatible plain bourne shell replacement for GNU getopt. It supports short/long options which can accept mandatory/optional/no arguments, and the way in which options are specified is almost identical to GNU getopt, so conversion is trivial.

Of course this is still a sizeable chunk of code to drop into a script, but it's about half the lines of the well-known getopt_long shell function, and might be preferable in cases where you just want to replace existing GNU getopt uses.

This is pretty new code, so YMMV (and definitely please let me know if this isn't actually POSIX-compatible for any reason -- portability was the intention from the outset, but I don't have a useful POSIX test environment).

Code and example usage follows:

# posix_getopt shell function
# Author: Phil S.
# Version: 1.0
# Created: 2016-07-05
# URL: http://stackoverflow.com/a/37087374/324105

# POSIX-compatible argument quoting and parameter save/restore
# http://www.etalabs.net/sh_tricks.html
# Usage:
# parameters=$(save "$@") # save the original parameters.
# eval "set -- ${parameters}" # restore the saved parameters.
save () {
    local param
    for param; do
        printf %s\\n "$param" \
            | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g;1s/^/'/;\$s/\$/' \\\\/"
    printf %s\\n " "

# Exit with status $1 after displaying error message $2.
exiterr () {
    printf %s\\n "$2" >&2
    exit $1

# POSIX-compatible command line option parsing.
# This function supports long options and optional arguments, and is
# a (largely-compatible) drop-in replacement for GNU getopt.
# Instead of:
# opts=$(getopt -o "$shortopts" -l "$longopts" -- "$@")
# eval set -- ${opts}
# We instead use:
# opts=$(posix_getopt "$shortopts" "$longopts" "$@")
# eval "set -- ${opts}"
posix_getopt () { # args: "$shortopts" "$longopts" "$@"
    local shortopts longopts \
          arg argtype getopt nonopt opt optchar optword suffix

    shift 2

    while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
        case "$1" in
            # '--' means don't parse the remaining options
            ( -- ) {
                getopt="${getopt}$(save "$@")"
                shift $#
            # process short option
            ( -[!-]* ) {         # -x[foo]
                suffix=${1#-?}   # foo
                opt=${1%$suffix} # -x
                optchar=${opt#-} # x
                case "${shortopts}" in
                    ( *${optchar}::* ) { # optional argument
                    ( *${optchar}:* ) { # required argument
                        if [ -n "${suffix}" ]; then
                            case "$2" in
                                ( -* ) exiterr 1 "$1 requires an argument";;
                                ( ?* ) arg="$2"; shift 2;;
                                (  * ) exiterr 1 "$1 requires an argument";;
                    ( *${optchar}* ) { # no argument
                        # Handle multiple no-argument parameters combined as
                        # -xyz instead of -x -y -z. If we have just shifted
                        # parameter -xyz, we now replace it with -yz (which
                        # will be processed in the next iteration).
                        if [ -n "${suffix}" ]; then
                            eval "set -- $(save "-${suffix}")$(save "$@")"
                    ( * ) exiterr 1 "Unknown option $1";;
            # process long option
            ( --?* ) {            # --xarg[=foo]
                suffix=${1#*=}    # foo (unless there was no =)
                if [ "${suffix}" = "$1" ]; then
                opt=${1%=$suffix} # --xarg
                optword=${opt#--} # xarg
                case ",${longopts}," in
                    ( *,${optword}::,* ) { # optional argument
                    ( *,${optword}:,* ) { # required argument
                        if [ -n "${suffix}" ]; then
                            case "$2" in
                                ( -* ) exiterr 1 \
                                       "--${optword} requires an argument";;
                                ( ?* ) arg="$2"; shift 2;;
                                (  * ) exiterr 1 \
                                       "--${optword} requires an argument";;
                    ( *,${optword},* ) { # no argument
                        if [ -n "${suffix}" ]; then
                            exiterr 1 "--${optword} does not take an argument"
                    ( * ) exiterr 1 "Unknown option $1";;
            # any other parameters starting with -
            ( -* ) exiterr 1 "Unknown option $1";;
            # remember non-option parameters
            ( * ) nonopt="${nonopt}$(save "$1")"; shift;;

        if [ -n "${opt}" ]; then
            getopt="${getopt}$(save "$opt")"
            case "${argtype}" in
                ( optional|required ) {
                    getopt="${getopt}$(save "$arg")"

    # Generate function output, suitable for:
    # eval "set -- $(posix_getopt ...)"
    printf %s "${getopt}"
    if [ -n "${nonopt}" ]; then
        printf %s "$(save "--")${nonopt}"

Example usage:

# Process command line options
#opts=$(getopt -o "$shortopts" -l "$longopts" -n "$(basename $0)" -- "$@")
opts=$(posix_getopt "$shortopts" "$longopts" "$@")
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    #eval set -- ${opts}
    eval "set -- ${opts}"
    while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
        case "$1" in
            ( --                ) shift; break;;
            ( -h|--help         ) help=1; shift; break;;
            ( -v|--version      ) version_help=1; shift; break;;
            ( -d|--directory    ) dir=$2; shift 2;;
            ( -c|--client       ) useclient=1; client=$2; shift 2;;
            ( -s|--server       ) startserver=1; server_name=$2; shift 2;;
            ( -L|--load         ) load=$2; shift 2;;
            ( -D|--delete       ) delete=1; shift;;
    shorthelp=1 # getopt returned (and reported) an error.
  • I have a hard time figuring out what eval set precisely does. Is it safe? Commented Mar 17, 2021 at 15:12
  • 1
    It's safe if the arguments (following all the normal shell substitution and expansion processes) produce a safe expression. In this case we're producing a set -- ... command, which the man page for dash explains like so: "The third use of the set command is to set the values of the shell's positional parameters to the specified args. To change the positional parameters without changing any options, use “--” as the first argument to set." (POSIX shell docs say the same, but less clearly.)
    – phils
    Commented Mar 17, 2021 at 20:03
  • Thank you. I did not fully understand two things yet. 1. Why is "eval" needed? My research only shows that you need it when using GNU getopt. But why? 2. Can we assume that "the arguments produce a safe expression"? Commented Mar 18, 2021 at 7:42
  • 1
    eval is needed because we both (GNU getopt and posix_getopt) support options containing special characters by virtue of generating a string of shell-quoted values which, once evaluated, will produce the original values again (now manipulated into a normalised format ready for processing). For instance, the space in --foo="hello, world." would be a problem otherwise. The return value of posix_getopt must be passed through eval in the manner demonstrated in order to work.
    – phils
    Commented Mar 18, 2021 at 8:51
  • 1
    Regarding (2), all I can say is that I'm confident that a safe expression is produced (I wrote this for my own usage, after all), but I'm not sure I can do more than encourage you to read/understand the code in order to convince yourself of the same thing. To get a sense of what's going on, you might try passing various "unsafe" input to it, and then instead of eval "set -- ${opts}", instead echo "set -- ${opts}" to see what would be evaluated.
    – phils
    Commented Mar 18, 2021 at 8:59

I only write shell scripts now and then and fall out of practice, so any feedback is appreciated.

Using the strategy proposed by @Arvid Requate, we noticed some user errors. A user who forgets to include a value will accidentally have the next option's name treated as a value:

./getopts_test.sh --loglevel= --toc=TRUE

will cause the value of "loglevel" to be seen as "--toc=TRUE". This can be avoided.

I adapted some ideas about checking user error for CLI from http://mwiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/035 discussion of manual parsing. I inserted error checking into handling both "-" and "--" arguments.

Then I started fiddling around with the syntax, so any errors in here are strictly my fault, not the original authors.

My approach helps users who prefer to enter long with or without the equal sign. That is, it should have same response to "--loglevel 9" as "--loglevel=9". In the --/space method, it is not possible to know for sure if the user forgets an argument, so some guessing is needed.

  1. if the user has the long/equal sign format (--opt=), then a space after = triggers an error because an argument was not supplied.
  2. if user has long/space arguments (--opt ), this script causes a fail if no argument follows (end of command) or if argument begins with dash)

In case you are starting out on this, there is an interesting difference between "--opt=value" and "--opt value" formats. With the equal sign, the command line argument is seen as "opt=value" and the work to handle that is string parsing, to separate at the "=". In contrast, with "--opt value", the name of the argument is "opt" and we have the challenge of getting the next value supplied in the command line. That's where @Arvid Requate used ${!OPTIND}, the indirect reference. I still don't understand that, well, at all, and comments in BashFAQ seem to warn against that style (http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/006). BTW, I don't think previous poster's comments about importance of OPTIND=$(( $OPTIND + 1 )) are correct. I mean to say, I see no harm from omitting it.

In newest version of this script, flag -v means VERBOSE printout.

Save it in a file called "cli-5.sh", make executable, and any of these will work, or fail in the desired way

./cli-5.sh  -v --loglevel=44 --toc  TRUE
./cli-5.sh  -v --loglevel=44 --toc=TRUE
./cli-5.sh --loglevel 7
./cli-5.sh --loglevel=8
./cli-5.sh -l9

./cli-5.sh  --toc FALSE --loglevel=77
./cli-5.sh  --toc=FALSE --loglevel=77

./cli-5.sh   -l99 -t yyy
./cli-5.sh   -l 99 -t yyy

Here is example output of the error-checking on user intpu

$ ./cli-5.sh  --toc --loglevel=77
ERROR: toc value must not have dash at beginning
$ ./cli-5.sh  --toc= --loglevel=77
ERROR: value for toc undefined

You should consider turning on -v, because it prints out internals of OPTIND and OPTARG

#/usr/bin/env bash

## Paul Johnson
## 20171016

## Combines ideas from
## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/402377/using-getopts-in-bash-shell-script-to-get-long-and-short-command-line-options
## by @Arvid Requate, and http://mwiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/035

# What I don't understand yet: 
# In @Arvid REquate's answer, we have 
# val="${!OPTIND}"; OPTIND=$(( $OPTIND + 1 ))
# this works, but I don't understand it!

die() {
    printf '%s\n' "$1" >&2
    exit 1

    if [ ${VERBOSE} -gt 0 ]; then
        printf 'Parse: %s%s%s\n' "$1" "$2" "$3" >&2;

    if [ ${VERBOSE} -gt 0 ]; then
        printf 'VERBOSE: %s\n' "$1" >&2;


while getopts "$optspec" OPTCHAR; do

    showme "OPTARG:  ${OPTARG[*]}"
    showme "OPTIND:  ${OPTIND[*]}"
    case "${OPTCHAR}" in
            case "${OPTARG}" in
                loglevel) #argument has no equal sign
                    ## check value. If negative, assume user forgot value
                    showme "OPTIND is {$OPTIND} {!OPTIND} has value \"${!OPTIND}\""
                    if [[ "$val" == -* ]]; then
                        die "ERROR: $opt value must not have dash at beginning"
                    ## OPTIND=$(( $OPTIND + 1 )) # CAUTION! no effect?
                    printparse "--${OPTARG}" "  " "${val}"
                loglevel=*) #argument has equal sign
                    if [ "${OPTARG#*=}" ]; then
                        printparse "--${opt}" "=" "${val}"
                        ## shift CAUTION don't shift this, fails othewise
                        die "ERROR: $opt value must be supplied"
                toc) #argument has no equal sign
                    ## check value. If negative, assume user forgot value
                    showme "OPTIND is {$OPTIND} {!OPTIND} has value \"${!OPTIND}\""
                    if [[ "$val" == -* ]]; then
                        die "ERROR: $opt value must not have dash at beginning"
                    ## OPTIND=$(( $OPTIND + 1 )) #??
                    printparse "--${opt}" " " "${val}"
                toc=*) #argument has equal sign
                    if [ "${OPTARG#*=}" ]; then
                        printparse "--$opt" " -> " "$toc"
                        ##shift ## NO! dont shift this
                        die "ERROR: value for $opt undefined"

                    echo "usage: $0 [-v] [--loglevel[=]<value>] [--toc[=]<TRUE,FALSE>]" >&2
                    exit 2
                    if [ "$OPTERR" = 1 ] && [ "${optspec:0:1}" != ":" ]; then
                        echo "Unknown option --${OPTARG}" >&2
            ## must rewrite this for all of the arguments
            echo "usage: $0 [-v] [--loglevel[=]<value>] [--toc[=]<TRUE,FALSE>]" >&2
            exit 2
            printparse "-l" " "  "${loglevel}"

            if [ "$OPTERR" != 1 ] || [ "${optspec:0:1}" = ":" ]; then
                echo "Non-option argument: '-${OPTARG}'" >&2

echo "
After Parsing values
echo "loglevel  $loglevel" 
echo "toc  $toc"
  • OPTIND=$(( $OPTIND + 1 )) : it is needed whenever you 'gobble' the OPTIND's parameter (for ex: when one used --toc value : value is in parameter number $OPTIND . Once you retrieve it for toc's value, you should tell getopts that the next parameter to parse is not value, but the one after it (hence the : OPTIND=$(( $OPTIND + 1 )) . and your script (as well as the script you refer to) are missing, after the done : shift $(( $OPTIND -1 )) (as getopts exited after parsing parameterrs 1 to OPTIND-1, you need to shift them out so $@ is now any remaining "non-options" parameters Commented Apr 13, 2018 at 8:44
  • oh, as you shift yourself, you "shift" the parameters underneath getopts, so OPTIND is always pointing the right thing... but I find it very confusing. I believe (can't test your script right now) that you still need the shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 )) after the getopts while loop, so that $1 now doesn't point to the original $1 (an option) but to the first of the remaining arguments (the ones comming after all options and their values). ex: myrm -foo -bar=baz thisarg thenthisone thenanother Commented Apr 13, 2018 at 8:52

I don't have enough rep yet to comment or vote his solution up, but sme's answer worked extremely well for me. The only issue I ran into was that the arguments end up wrapped in single-quotes (so I have an strip them out).

I also added some example usages and HELP text. I'll included my slightly extended version here:


# getopt example
# from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/402377/using-getopts-in-bash-shell-script-to-get-long-and-short-command-line-options
"   USAGE:\n
    Accepts - and -- flags, can specify options that require a value, and can be in any order. A double-hyphen (--) will stop processing options.\n\n

    Accepts the following forms:\n\n

    getopt-example.sh -a -b -c value-for-c some-arg\n
    getopt-example.sh -c value-for-c -a -b some-arg\n
    getopt-example.sh -abc some-arg\n
    getopt-example.sh --along --blong --clong value-for-c -a -b -c some-arg\n
    getopt-example.sh some-arg --clong value-for-c\n


# options may be followed by one colon to indicate they have a required argument
if ! options=$(getopt -o abc:h\? -l along,blong,help,clong: -- "$@")
    # something went wrong, getopt will put out an error message for us
    exit 1

set -- $options

while [ $# -gt 0 ]
    case $1 in
    -a|--along) aflag=true ;;
    -b|--blong) bflag=true ;;
    # for options with required arguments, an additional shift is required
    -c|--clong) cargument="$2" ; shift;;
    -h|--help|-\?) echo -e $HELP_TEXT; exit;;
    (--) shift; break;;
    (-*) echo "$0: error - unrecognized option $1" 1>&2; exit 1;;
    (*) break;;

# to remove the single quotes around arguments, pipe the output into:
# | sed -e "s/^'\\|'$//g"  (just leading/trailing) or | sed -e "s/'//g"  (all)

echo aflag=${aflag}
echo bflag=${bflag}
echo cargument=${cargument}

while [ $# -gt 0 ]
    echo arg=$1

    if [[ $aflag == true ]]; then
        echo a is true

  • Just use -u as argument to getopt and you get unquotes values.
    – JazzCat
    Commented Aug 27, 2020 at 16:42

Here you can find a few different approaches for complex option parsing in bash: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ComplexOptionParsing

I did create the following one, and I think it's a good one, because it's minimal code and both long and short options work. A long option can also have multiple arguments with this approach.

# Uses bash extensions.  Not portable as written.

declare -A longoptspec
longoptspec=( [loglevel]=1 ) #use associative array to declare how many arguments a long option expects, in this case we declare that loglevel expects/has one argument, long options that aren't listed i n this way will have zero arguments by default
while getopts "$optspec" opt; do
while true; do
    case "${opt}" in
        -) #OPTARG is name-of-long-option or name-of-long-option=value
            if [[ "${OPTARG}" =~ .*=.* ]] #with this --key=value format only one argument is possible
            else #with this --key value1 value2 format multiple arguments are possible
            continue #now that opt/OPTARG are set we can process them as if getopts would've given us long options
            echo "usage: $0 [--loglevel[=]<value>]" >&2
            exit 2
break; done

# End of file

if simply this is how you want to call the script

myscript.sh --input1 "ABC" --input2 "PQR" --input2 "XYZ"

then you can follow this simplest way to achieve it with the help of getopt and --longoptions

try this , hope this is useful

# Read command line options

# read arguments
opts=$(getopt \
    --longoptions "$(printf "%s:," "${ARGUMENT_LIST[@]}")" \
    --name "$(basename "$0")" \
    --options "" \
    -- "$@"

echo $opts

eval set --$opts

while true; do
    case "$1" in
  • how to add short options?
    – GoingMyWay
    Commented Jun 25, 2021 at 10:12

I have been working on that subject for quite a long time... and made my own library which you will need to source in your main script. See libopt4shell and cd2mpc for an example. Hope it helps !


An improved solution:

# translate long options to short
# Note: This enable long options but disable "--?*" in $OPTARG, or disable long options after  "--" in option fields.
for ((i=1;$#;i++)) ; do
    case "$1" in
            # [ ${args[$((i-1))]} == ... ] || EndOpt=1 ;;& # DIRTY: we still can handle some execptions...
            EndOpt=1 ;;&
        --version) ((EndOpt)) && args[$i]="$1"  || args[$i]="-V";;
        # default case : short option use the first char of the long option:
        --?*) ((EndOpt)) && args[$i]="$1"  || args[$i]="-${1:2:1}";;
        # pass through anything else:
        *) args[$i]="$1" ;;
# reset the translated args
set -- "${args[@]}"

function usage {
echo "Usage: $0 [options] files" >&2
    exit $1

# now we can process with getopt
while getopts ":hvVc:" opt; do
    case $opt in
        h)  usage ;;
        v)  VERBOSE=true ;;
        V)  echo $Version ; exit ;;
        c)  source $OPTARG ;;
        \?) echo "unrecognized option: -$opt" ; usage -1 ;;
        echo "option -$OPTARG requires an argument"
        usage -1

shift $((OPTIND-1))
[[ "$1" == "--" ]] && shift

Maybe it's simpler to use ksh, just for the getopts part, if need long command line options, as it can be easier done there.

# Working Getopts Long => KSH

#! /bin/ksh
# Getopts Long

while getopts "$USAGE" optchar ; do
    case $optchar in
    s)  echo "Displaying Configuration" ;;
        c)  echo "Creating Database $OPTARG" ;;
    l)  echo "Creating Listener LISTENER_$OPTARG" ;;
    g)  echo "Generating Scripts for Database $OPTARG" ;;
    r)  echo "Removing Database $OPTARG" ;;
    x)  echo "Removing Listener LISTENER_$OPTARG" ;;
    t)  echo "Creating Database Template" ;;
    h)  echo "Help" ;;
  • +1 -- Note that this is limited to ksh93 - from the open source AST project (AT&T Research). Commented Aug 16, 2012 at 14:36

I wanted something without external dependencies, with strict bash support (-u), and I needed it to work on even the older bash versions. This handles various types of params:

  • short bools (-h)
  • short options (-i "image.jpg")
  • long bools (--help)
  • equals options (--file="filename.ext")
  • space options (--file "filename.ext")
  • concatinated bools (-hvm)

Just insert the following at the top of your script:

# Check if a list of params contains a specific param
# usage: if _param_variant "h|?|help p|path f|file long-thing t|test-thing" "file" ; then ...
# the global variable $key is updated to the long notation (last entry in the pipe delineated list, if applicable)
_param_variant() {
  for param in $1 ; do
    local variants=${param//\|/ }
    for variant in $variants ; do
      if [[ "$variant" = "$2" ]] ; then
        # Update the key to match the long version
        local arr=(${param//\|/ })
        let last=${#arr[@]}-1
        return 0
  return 1

# Get input parameters in short or long notation, with no dependencies beyond bash
# usage:
#     # First, set your defaults
#     param_help=false
#     param_path="."
#     param_file=false
#     param_image=false
#     param_image_lossy=true
#     # Define allowed parameters
#     allowed_params="h|?|help p|path f|file i|image image-lossy"
#     # Get parameters from the arguments provided
#     _get_params $*
# Parameters will be converted into safe variable names like:
#     param_help,
#     param_path,
#     param_file,
#     param_image,
#     param_image_lossy
# Parameters without a value like "-h" or "--help" will be treated as
# boolean, and will be set as param_help=true
# Parameters can accept values in the various typical ways:
#     -i "path/goes/here"
#     --image "path/goes/here"
#     --image="path/goes/here"
#     --image=path/goes/here
# These would all result in effectively the same thing:
#     param_image="path/goes/here"
# Concatinated short parameters (boolean) are also supported
#     -vhm is the same as -v -h -m

  local param_pair
  local key
  local value
  local shift_count

  while : ; do
    # Ensure we have a valid param. Allows this to work even in -u mode.
    if [[ $# == 0 || -z $1 ]] ; then

    # Split the argument if it contains "="
    param_pair=(${1//=/ })
    # Remove preceeding dashes

    # Check for concatinated boolean short parameters.
    local nodash="${key#-}"
    local breakout=false
    if [[ "$nodash" != "$key" && ${#nodash} -gt 1 ]]; then
      # Extrapolate multiple boolean keys in single dash notation. ie. "-vmh" should translate to: "-v -m -h"
      local short_param_count=${#nodash}
      let new_arg_count=$#+$short_param_count-1
      local new_args=""
      # $str_pos is the current position in the short param string $nodash
      for (( str_pos=0; str_pos<new_arg_count; str_pos++ )); do
        # The first character becomes the current key
        if [ $str_pos -eq 0 ] ; then
        # $arg_pos is the current position in the constructed arguments list
        let arg_pos=$str_pos+1
        if [ $arg_pos -gt $short_param_count ] ; then
          # handle other arguments
          let orignal_arg_number=$arg_pos-$short_param_count+1
          local new_arg="${!orignal_arg_number}"
          # break out our one argument into new ones
          local new_arg="-${nodash:$str_pos:1}"
        new_args="$new_args \"$new_arg\""
      # remove the preceding space and set the new arguments
      eval set -- "${new_args# }"
    if ! $breakout ; then

    # By default we expect to shift one argument at a time
    if [ "${#param_pair[@]}" -gt "1" ] ; then
      # This is a param with equals notation
      # This is either a boolean param and there is no value,
      # or the value is the next command line argument
      # Assume the value is a boolean true, unless the next argument is found to be a value.
      if [[ $# -gt 1 && -n "$2" ]]; then
        local nodash="${2#-}"
        if [ "$nodash" = "$2" ]; then
          # The next argument has NO preceding dash so it is a value

    # Check that the param being passed is one of the allowed params
    if _param_variant "$allowed_params" "$key" ; then
      # --key-name will now become param_key_name
      eval param_${key//-/_}="$value"
      printf 'WARNING: Unknown option (ignored): %s\n' "$1" >&2
    shift $shift_count

And use it like so:

# Assign defaults for parameters

# Define the params we will allow
allowed_params="h|?|help p|path f|file i|image image-lossy image-lossy-quality"

# Get the params from arguments provided
_get_params $*

It took some time, but I wanted it all:

  • short options
  • long options
  • with or without arguments
  • non-option arguments (those without "-" or "--")
  • order shouldn't matter (script.sh /file -V or script.sh -V /file)
  • catch wrong usage
  • use it as a module in different scripts without the need to change multiple lines of code

Finally I came up with the following solution, which uses getopt to catch errors and move non-options to the end of the list and after that getopts, which parses the short and long options.

All options are automatically parsed with their long option name as variable name (look at the example):

# create string of short options
opt_short=$(printf "%s" "${!options[@]}")

# create string of long options
opt_long="$(printf ",%s" "${options[@]}")"

# catch wrong options and move non-options to the end of the string
args=$(getopt -l "$opt_long" "$opt_short" "$@" 2> >(sed -e 's/^/stderr/g')) || echo -n "Error: " && echo "$args" | grep -oP "(?<=^stderr).*" && exit 1

# create new array of options
mapfile -t args < <(xargs -n1 <<< "$(echo "$args" | sed -E "s/(--[^ ]+) '/\1='/g")" )

# overwrite $@ (options)
set -- "${args[@]}"

# parse options ([h]=help sets the variable "$opt_help" and [V]="" sets the variable "$opt_V")
while getopts "$opt_short-:" opt; do

  echo "$opt:$OPTARG"

  # long option
  if [[ "$opt" == "-" ]]; then

    # extract long option name

    # extract long option argument (may be empty)

    # remove "=" from long option argument

    # set variable name

  # short option without argument uses long option name as variable name
  elif [[ "${options[$opt]+x}" ]] && [[ "${options[$opt]}" ]]; then

  # short option with argument uses long option name as variable name
  elif [[ "${options[$opt:]+x}" ]] && [[ "${options[$opt:]}" ]]; then

  # short option without long option name uses short option name as variable name

  # remove double colon

  # options without arguments are set to 1
  [[ ! $OPTARG ]] && OPTARG=1 

  # replace hyphen against underscore

  # set variable variables (replaces hyphen against underscore)
  printf -v "$opt" '%s' "$OPTARG" 


Now, I only need to define the needed option names and source the script:

# import options module
declare -A options=( [h]=help [f:]=file: [V]=verbose [0]=long_only: [s]="" )
source "/usr/local/bin/inc/options.sh";

# display help text
if [[ $opt_help ]]; then
  echo "help text"

# output
echo "opt_help:$opt_help"
echo "opt_file:$opt_file"
echo "opt_verbose:$opt_verbose"
echo "opt_long_only:$opt_long_only"
echo "opt_short_only:$opt_s"
echo "opt_path:$1"
echo "opt_mail:$2"

And while calling the script, it's possible to pass all options and non-options in a complete random order:

#             $opt_file     $1        $2       $opt_V  $opt_long_only $opt_s
# /demo.sh --file=file.txt /dir [email protected] -V --long_only=yes -s
opt_mail:[email protected]


  • In the options array add : after an option name to enable arguments.
  • If no long option name is given, the variable name will be $opt_X, where X is the short option name.
  • If you want to use a long option name without defining a short option name, then set the array index to a number as in the above example done with [0]=long_only. Of course every array index must be unique.

Used techniques

  • Any idea why this is not working on macOS? I'm getting the error b:: syntax error in expression (error token is ":") for declare -A options=( [h]=help [b:]=batchId:... part.
    – Azimuth
    Commented Nov 17, 2023 at 13:16

getopts "could be used" for parsing long options as long as you don't expect them to have arguments...

Here's how to:

$ cat > longopt
while getopts 'e:-:' OPT; do
  case $OPT in
    e) echo echo: $OPTARG;;
    -) #long option
       case $OPTARG in
         long-option) echo long option;;
         *) echo long option: $OPTARG;;

$ bash longopt -e asd --long-option --long1 --long2 -e test
echo: asd
long option
long option: long1
long option: long2
echo: test

If you try to use OPTIND for getting a parameter for the long option, getopts will treat it as the first no optional positional parameter and will stop parsing any other parameters. In such a case you'll be better off handling it manually with a simple case statement.

This will "always" work:

$ cat >longopt2
while (($#)); do
    case $OPT in
        --*) case ${OPT:2} in
            long1) echo long1 option;;
            complex) echo comples with argument $1; shift;;

        -*) case ${OPT:1} in
            a) echo short option a;;
            b) echo short option b with parameter $1; shift;;

$ bash longopt2 --complex abc -a --long -b test
comples with argument abc
short option a
short option b with parameter test

Albeit is not as flexible as getopts and you have to do much of the error checking code yourself within the case instances...

But it is an option.

  • But long options often do expect arguments. And you could do more with the - to make it work even though it's something of a hack. In the end one could argue that if it does not natively support it then every way of implementing it is something of a hack but nevertheless you could extend the - too. And yes shift is very useful but of course if it expects an argument it could end up that the next argument (if none specified by user) is part of the expected argument.
    – Pryftan
    Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 15:58
  • yes, this is a poc for long arguments name without arguments, to diferentiate between the two you need some kind of configuration, like getops. And regarding shift, you can always "put it back" with set. In any case it must be configurable if a parameter is expected or not. You could even use some magic for it, but then you'll force users to use -- to signal that the magic stops and positional parameters start, which is worse imho.
    – estani
    Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 8:07
  • Fair enough. That's more than reasonable. Tbh I don't even remember what I was going on about and I had totally forgotten about this question itself. I only vaguely remember how I found it even. Cheers. Oh and have a +1 for the idea. You went through the effort and you also clarified what you were getting at. I respect people who do go through the effort to give others ideas etc.
    – Pryftan
    Commented Sep 9, 2019 at 19:28

In order to stay cross-platform compatible, and avoid the reliance on external executables, I ported some code from another language.

I find it very easy to use, here is an example:

ArgParser::addArg "[h]elp"    false    "This list"
ArgParser::addArg "[q]uiet"   false    "Supress output"
ArgParser::addArg "[s]leep"   1        "Seconds to sleep"
ArgParser::addArg "v"         1        "Verbose mode"

ArgParser::parse "$@"

ArgParser::isset help && ArgParser::showArgs

ArgParser::isset "quiet" \
   && echo "Quiet!" \
   || echo "Noisy!"

local __sleep
ArgParser::tryAndGetArg sleep into __sleep \
   && echo "Sleep for $__sleep seconds" \
   || echo "No value passed for sleep"

# This way is often more convienient, but is a little slower
echo "Sleep set to: $( ArgParser::getArg sleep )"

The required BASH is a little longer than it could be, but I wanted to avoid reliance on BASH 4's associative arrays. You can also download this directly from http://nt4.com/bash/argparser.inc.sh

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Updates to this script may be found at
# http://nt4.com/bash/argparser.inc.sh

# Example of runtime usage:
# mnc.sh --nc -q Caprica.S0*mkv *.avi *.mp3 --more-options here --host centos8.host.com

# Example of use in script (see bottom)
# Just include this file in yours, or use
# source argparser.inc.sh

declare -a EXPLODED
function explode 
    local c=$# 
    (( c < 2 )) && 
        echo function "$0" is missing parameters 
        return 1

    local delimiter="$1"
    local string="$2"
    local limit=${3-99}

    local tmp_delim=$'\x07'
    local delin=${string//$delimiter/$tmp_delim}
    local oldifs="$IFS"


# See: http://fvue.nl/wiki/Bash:_Passing_variables_by_reference
# Usage: local "$1" && upvar $1 "value(s)"
upvar() {
    if unset -v "$1"; then           # Unset & validate varname
        if (( $# == 2 )); then
            eval $1=\"\$2\"          # Return single value
            eval $1=\(\"\${@:2}\"\)  # Return array

function decho

function ArgParser::check
    for (( i=0; i<__args; i++ ))
        explode "|" "${__argparser__arglist[$i]}"
        if [ "${#1}" -eq 1 ]
            if [ "${1}" == "${EXPLODED[0]}" ]
                decho "Matched $1 with ${EXPLODED[0]}"

            if [ "${1}" == "${EXPLODED[1]}" ]
                decho "Matched $1 with ${EXPLODED[1]}"

    (( matched == 0 )) && return 2
    # decho "Key $key has default argument of ${EXPLODED[3]}"
    if [ "${EXPLODED[3]}" == "false" ]
        return 0
        return 1

function ArgParser::set
    declare -g __argpassed__$key="$value"

function ArgParser::parse

    unset __argparser__argv
    # echo parsing: "$@"

    while [ -n "$1" ]
        # echo "Processing $1"
        if [ "${1:0:2}" == '--' ]
        elif [ "${1:0:1}" == '-' ]
            key=${1:1}               # Strip off leading -
            decho "Not argument or option: '$1'" >& 2
            __argparser__argv+=( "$1" )
        # parameter=${tmp%%=*}     # Extract name.
        # value=${tmp##*=}         # Extract value.
        decho "Key: '$key', value: '$value'"
        # eval $parameter=$value
        ArgParser::check $key
        # echo "Check returned $el for $key"
        [ $el -eq  2 ] && decho "No match for option '$1'" >&2 # && __argparser__argv+=( "$1" )
        [ $el -eq  0 ] && decho "Matched option '${EXPLODED[2]}' with no arguments"        >&2 && ArgParser::set true "${EXPLODED[@]}"
        [ $el -eq  1 ] && decho "Matched option '${EXPLODED[2]}' with an argument of '$2'"   >&2 && ArgParser::set "$2" "${EXPLODED[@]}" && shift

function ArgParser::isset
    declare -p "__argpassed__$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 && return 0
    return 1

function ArgParser::getArg
    # This one would be a bit silly, since we can only return non-integer arguments ineffeciently
    echo "${!varname}"

# usage: tryAndGetArg <argname> into <varname>
# returns: 0 on success, 1 on failure
function ArgParser::tryAndGetArg
    local __varname="__argpassed__$1"
    local __value="${!__varname}"
    test -z "$__value" && return 1
    local "$3" && upvar $3 "$__value"
    return 0

function ArgParser::__construct
    unset __argparser__arglist
    # declare -a __argparser__arglist

# @brief add command line argument
# @param 1 short and/or long, eg: [s]hort
# @param 2 default value
# @param 3 description
function ArgParser::addArg
    # check for short arg within long arg
    if [[ "$1" =~ \[(.)\] ]]
    if [ "${#long}" -eq 1 ]
    decho short: "$short"
    decho long: "$long"

# @brief show available command line arguments
function ArgParser::showArgs
    # declare -p | grep argparser
    printf "Usage: %s [OPTION...]\n\n" "$( basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"
    printf "Defaults for the options are specified in brackets.\n\n";

    for (( i=0; i<__args; i++ ))
        local shortname=
        local fullname=
        local default=
        local description=
        local comma=

        explode "|" "${__argparser__arglist[$i]}"

        shortname="${EXPLODED[0]:+-${EXPLODED[0]}}" # String Substitution Guide: 
        fullname="${EXPLODED[1]:+--${EXPLODED[1]}}" # http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/parameter-substitution.html
        test -n "$shortname" \
            && test -n "$fullname" \
            && comma=","

        case $default in
            false )
            "" )
            * )


        printf "  %2s%1s %-19s %s %s\n" "$shortname" "$comma" "$fullname" "$description" "$default"

function ArgParser::test
    # Arguments with a default of 'false' do not take paramaters (note: default
    # values are not applied in this release)

    ArgParser::addArg "[h]elp"      false       "This list"
    ArgParser::addArg "[q]uiet" false       "Supress output"
    ArgParser::addArg "[s]leep" 1           "Seconds to sleep"
    ArgParser::addArg "v"           1           "Verbose mode"

    ArgParser::parse "$@"

    ArgParser::isset help && ArgParser::showArgs

    ArgParser::isset "quiet" \
        && echo "Quiet!" \
        || echo "Noisy!"

    local __sleep
    ArgParser::tryAndGetArg sleep into __sleep \
        && echo "Sleep for $__sleep seconds" \
        || echo "No value passed for sleep"

    # This way is often more convienient, but is a little slower
    echo "Sleep set to: $( ArgParser::getArg sleep )"

    echo "Remaining command line: ${__argparser__argv[@]}"


if [ "$( basename "$0" )" == "argparser.inc.sh" ]
    ArgParser::test "$@"

If all your long options have unique, and matching, first characters as the short options, so for example

./slamm --chaos 23 --plenty test -quiet

Is the same as

./slamm -c 23 -p test -q

You can use this before getopts to rewrite $args:

# change long options to short options

for arg; do 
    [[ "${arg:0:1}" == "-" ]] && delim="" || delim="\""
    if [ "${arg:0:2}" == "--" ]; 
       then args="${args} -${arg:2:1}" 
       else args="${args} ${delim}${arg}${delim}"

# reset the incoming args
eval set -- $args

# proceed as usual
while getopts ":b:la:h" OPTION; do

Thanks for mtvee for the inspiration ;-)

  • I don't get the significance of eval here Commented Jun 15, 2017 at 22:25

Builtin getopts only parse short options (except in ksh93), but you can still add few lines of scripting to make getopts handles long options.

Here is a part of code found in http://www.uxora.com/unix/shell-script/22-handle-long-options-with-getopts

  #== set short options ==#
  #== set long options associated with short one ==#
typeset -A ARRAY_OPTS

  #== parse options ==#
while getopts ${SCRIPT_OPTS} OPTION ; do
    #== translate long options to short ==#
    if [[ "x$OPTION" == "x-" ]]; then
        LONG_OPTARG=$(echo $LONG_OPTION | grep "=" | cut -d'=' -f2)
        [[ "x$LONG_OPTARG" = "x" ]] && LONG_OPTIND=$OPTIND || LONG_OPTION=$(echo $OPTARG | cut -d'=' -f1)
        [[ $LONG_OPTIND -ne -1 ]] && eval LONG_OPTARG="\$$LONG_OPTIND"
        [[ "x$OPTION" = "x" ]] &&  OPTION="?" OPTARG="-$LONG_OPTION"

        if [[ $( echo "${SCRIPT_OPTS}" | grep -c "${OPTION}:" ) -eq 1 ]]; then
            if [[ "x${LONG_OPTARG}" = "x" ]] || [[ "${LONG_OPTARG}" = -* ]]; then 
                OPTION=":" OPTARG="-$LONG_OPTION"
                if [[ $LONG_OPTIND -ne -1 ]]; then
                    [[ $OPTIND -le $Optnum ]] && OPTIND=$(( $OPTIND+1 ))
                    shift $OPTIND

    #== options follow by another option instead of argument ==#
    if [[ "x${OPTION}" != "x:" ]] && [[ "x${OPTION}" != "x?" ]] && [[ "${OPTARG}" = -* ]]; then 

    #== manage options ==#
    case "$OPTION" in
        f  ) foo=1 bar=0                    ;;
        b  ) foo=0 bar=1                    ;;
        B  ) barfoo=${OPTARG}               ;;
        F  ) foobar=1 && foobar_name=${OPTARG} ;;
        h ) usagefull && exit 0 ;;
        : ) echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}: -$OPTARG: option requires an argument" >&2 && usage >&2 && exit 99 ;;
        ? ) echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}: -$OPTARG: unknown option" >&2 && usage >&2 && exit 99 ;;
shift $((${OPTIND} - 1))

Here is a test:

# Short options test
$ ./foobar_any_getopts.sh -bF "Hello world" -B 6 file1 file2
foo=0 bar=1
foobar=1 foobar_name=Hello world
files=file1 file2

# Long and short options test
$ ./foobar_any_getopts.sh --bar -F Hello --barfoo 6 file1 file2
foo=0 bar=1
foobar=1 foobar_name=Hello
files=file1 file2

Otherwise in recent Korn Shell ksh93, getopts can naturally parse long options and even display a man page alike. (See http://www.uxora.com/unix/shell-script/20-getopts-with-man-page-and-long-options)


Th built-in OS X (BSD) getopt does not support long options, but the GNU version does: brew install gnu-getopt. Then, something similar to: cp /usr/local/Cellar/gnu-getopt/1.1.6/bin/getopt /usr/local/bin/gnu-getopt.

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