I am new to kubernetes. I have an issue in the pods. When I run the command

 kubectl get pods


NAME                   READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-apim-db-1viwg    1/1       Running            1          20h
mysql-govdb-qioee      1/1       Running            1          20h
mysql-userdb-l8q8c     1/1       Running            0          20h
wso2am-default-813fy   0/1       ImagePullBackOff   0          20h

Due to an issue of "wso2am-default-813fy" node, I need to restart it. Any suggestion?

8 Answers 8


In case of not having the yaml file:

kubectl get pod PODNAME -n NAMESPACE -o yaml | kubectl replace --force -f -


Usually in case of "ImagePullBackOff" it's retried after few seconds/minutes. In case you want to try again manually you can delete the old pod and recreate the pod. The one line command to delete and recreate the pod would be:

kubectl replace --force -f <yml_file_describing_pod>
  • 7
    If you have got replication set/controller managing this pod, a new pod should be automatically created after killing it.
    – Hem
    Commented Jan 12, 2018 at 18:22
  • ^^ absolutely. I'd be very worried if killing pod had it disappear for good.
    – user419017
    Commented Apr 1, 2018 at 14:27
  • 3
    I believe kubectl replace --force -f ... would be equivalent to delete followed by create
    – Oliver
    Commented Apr 11, 2018 at 22:29
  • 1
    If your pod created via Deployment, then just delete a pod - a new one will be created automatically
    – Illidan
    Commented Jul 26, 2018 at 12:56
  • Why the --force option is required?
    – mchawre
    Commented Jun 29, 2019 at 18:16
$ kubectl replace --force -f <resource-file>

if all goes well, you should see something like:

<resource-type> <resource-name> deleted
<resource-type> <resource-name> replaced

details of this can be found in the Kubernetes documentation, "manage-deployment" and kubectl-cheatsheet pages at the time of writing.

  • How do I know what the resource file for the pod should look like? I saw the ./pod.json file but the link doesnt mention any template or similar Commented Jan 3, 2019 at 7:56

If the Pod is part of a Deployment or Service, deleting it will restart the Pod and, potentially, place it onto another node:

$ kubectl delete po $POD_NAME

replace it if it's an individual Pod:

$ kubectl get po -n $namespace $POD_NAME -o yaml | kubectl replace -f -


Try with deleting pod it will try to pull image again.

kubectl delete pod <pod_name> -n <namespace_name>


First try to see what's wrong with the pod:

kubectl logs -p <your_pod>

In my case it was a problem with the YAML file.

So, I needed to correct the configuration file and replace it:

kubectl replace --force -f <yml_file_describing_pod>

Most probably the issue of ImagePullBackOff is due to either the image not being present or issue with the pod YAML file.

What I will do is this

kubectl get pod -n $namespace $POD_NAME --export > pod.yaml | kubectl -f apply -

I would also see the pod.yaml to see the why the earlier pod didn't work


There is also possibility that the pull policy is not defined or kubernetes is configured to pull from the hub but fails due network issues. Try setting up a local secure registry and execute a pull . It would work.

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