I'm reading a book about Rust, and start playing with Rust macros. All metavariable types are explained there and have examples, except the last one – tt. According to the book, it is a “a single token tree”. I'm curious, what is it and what is it used for? Can you please provide an example?

1 Answer 1


That's a notion introduced to ensure that whatever is in a macro invocation correctly matches (), [] and {} pairs. tt will match any single token or any pair of parenthesis/brackets/braces with their content.

For example, for the following program:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello world!");

The token trees would be:

  • fn
  • main
  • ()
  • { println!("Hello world!"); }
    • println
    • !
    • ("Hello world!")
      • "Hello world!"
    • ;

Each one forms a tree where simple tokens (fn, main etc.) are leaves, and anything surrounded by (), [] or {} has a subtree. Note that ( does not appear alone in the token tree: it's not possible to match ( without matching the corresponding ).

For example:

macro_rules! {
    (fn $name:ident $params:tt $body:tt) => { /* … */ }

would match the above function with $name → main, $params → (), $body → { println!("Hello world!"); }.

Token tree is the least demanding metavariable type: it matches anything. It's often used in macros which have a “don't really care” part, and especially in macros which have a “head” and a “tail” part. For example, the println! macros have a branch matching ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) where $fmt is the format string, and $($arg:tt)* means “all the rest” and is just forwarded to format_args!. Which means that println! does not need to know the actual format and do complicated matching with it.

  • 4
    Why would println! not use expr instead? Aren't the parameters all expressions?
    – Tomas
    Commented Jul 21, 2018 at 21:38
  • 7
    @Tomas no, they can also be named parameters like foo=expr to replace all the "{foo}"s.
    – mcarton
    Commented Jul 21, 2018 at 22:24

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