I have the following svg image in my html file:

<img class="svg" src="my-image-link.svg">

Now, I am trying to change the color using this css code:

.svg path {
    fill: black;

However, nothing changes. What is the correct way to change the color of an svg image's path using css? Thanks!


2 Answers 2


You have to use an inline SVG, where the path element is inside the HTML, as opposed to linking to an external SVG.

Example: https://jsfiddle.net/fznuckb0/1/

.path-name {
    fill: tomato;
    fill-rule: evenodd;

if you are using the svg in a image tag, it is not possible to change anything within the SVG...

to do that, you have to include the whole SVG inline... look for example here: link

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