I recently converted my SQL Server database into SQLite DB. But when I try to open my SQLite using .Open() it throws me this error:

Data Source cannot be empty.  Use :memory: to open an in-memory database

Edit: added connection string:

ConnectionString = @"Data Source=D:\XXX.db;Version=3";
connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString);

Why do I get this? I converted the same SQL Server database to SQL CE and mySQL and I didn't get these errors.

  • 1
    please put the connection string in the question. Commented Oct 28, 2010 at 4:21
  • ConnectionString = @"Data Source= D:\XXX.db;Version=3;connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString); connection.Open(); Commented Oct 28, 2010 at 4:29
  • Is that space significant after the = ?? Data Source= D:\XXX.db Commented Oct 28, 2010 at 4:40
  • sorry guys its my mistake .. at one place i have mentioned as"datasource" without spaces ..that caused the problem. Thanks Commented Oct 28, 2010 at 4:44

4 Answers 4


There's a space after your data source: Data Source= D:\XXX.db. Also, in your copy/paste, there's no closing quote to the connection string. Here's a connection string that works for me for the testing tool:

@"Data Source=C:\Temp\Test.db3;Pooling=true;FailIfMissing=false;Version=3"
  • Thanks dude. I already figured that out and you can see that in my comment below the question Commented Nov 13, 2011 at 21:28

I had this same error recently when I actually was trying to use the in memory version of SQLite.

I was setting up the connection as follows:

var connection = new SQLiteConnection("Filename=:memory:");

And getting the error

Data Source cannot be empty. Use :memory: to open an in-memory

I then changed it to this code, note the 'SQL' part is no longer capitalised:

var connection = new SqliteConnection("Filename=:memory:");

And now it works.

The working, non capitalised version is from the Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection namespace where as the SQLite version is from System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection (I had version referenced).


You haven't provided a data source name, aka where the sqlite file exists.

  • I did ,refer my other comments Commented Oct 28, 2010 at 4:30

Because your Data Source is empty. Add the Data Source paramater to your connection string. before opening the Sqlite database.

  • Its not empty .I had specified exact path dude.. connectionString = @"Data Source= D:\XXX.db;Version=3; connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString); connection.Open(); Commented Oct 28, 2010 at 4:28
  • Perhaps removing the space from the front of the `D:` and close the connectionString with a double quote might help.
    – tidwall
    Commented Oct 28, 2010 at 4:45
  • sorry guys its my mistake .. at one place i have mentioned as"datasource" without spaces ..that caused the problem. Thanks Commented Oct 28, 2010 at 5:03

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