There is a graphql endpoint which I don't own but which provides a public endpoint. I'm hoping to introspect it using graphiql. I'm totally new to graphql, so I don't even know if this sort of thing is possible.
I have the graphiql example running locally and am modifying server.js to try to make it work. Poking around at other SO threads has gotten me this far...
var introspectionQuery = require('graphql/utilities').introspectionQuery;
var request = require('sync-request');
var url = '';
var response = request('POST', url, { qs: { query: introspectionQuery } } );
var schema = JSON.parse(response.body.toString('utf-8'));
// herein lies the rub
schema = new GraphQLSchema(;
var app = express();
app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP(() => ({
schema: schema,
This code blows up in the GraphQLSchema constructor, trying to make a schema out of that introspection query. Clearly that's not quite the right approach?