I always assumed that when doing (a % 256) the optimizer would naturally use an efficient bitwise operation, as if I wrote (a & 0xFF).

When testing on compiler explorer gcc-6.2 (-O3):

// Type your code here, or load an example.
int mod(int num) {
    return num % 256;

    mov     edx, edi
    sar     edx, 31
    shr     edx, 24
    lea     eax, [rdi+rdx]
    movzx   eax, al
    sub     eax, edx

And when trying the other code:

// Type your code here, or load an example.
int mod(int num) {
    return num & 0xFF;

    movzx   eax, dil

Seems like I'm completely missing something out. Any ideas?

  • 64
    0xFF is 255 not 256. Nov 8, 2016 at 9:30
  • 188
    @RishikeshRaje: So? % is not & either.
    – Jongware
    Nov 8, 2016 at 9:30
  • 27
    @RishikeshRaje: I am sure the OP is very much aware of that. They're used with different operations. Nov 8, 2016 at 9:31
  • 28
    Out of interest, do you get better results if num is unsigned?
    – Bathsheba
    Nov 8, 2016 at 9:32
  • 21
    @RishikeshRaje Bitwise and 0xFF is equivalent to modulo 2^8 for unsigned integers.
    – 2501
    Nov 8, 2016 at 9:50

5 Answers 5


It's not the same. Try num = -79, and you will get different results from both operations. (-79) % 256 = -79, while (-79) & 0xff is some positive number.

Using unsigned int, the operations are the same, and the code will likely be the same.

PS- Someone commented

They shouldn't be the same, a % b is defined as a - b * floor (a / b).

That's not how it is defined in C, C++, Objective-C (ie all the languages where the code in the question would compile).


Short answer

-1 % 256 yields -1 and not 255 which is -1 & 0xFF. Therefore, the optimization would be incorrect.

Long answer

C++ has the convention that (a/b)*b + a%b == a, which seems quite natural. a/b always returns the arithmetic result without the fractional part (truncating towards 0). As a consequence, a%b has the same sign as a or is 0.

The division -1/256 yields 0 and hence -1%256 must be -1 in order to satisfy the above condition ((-1%256)*256 + -1%256 == -1). This is obviously different from -1&0xFF which is 0xFF. Therefore, the compiler cannot optimize the way you want.

The relevant section in the C++ standard [expr.mul §4] as of N4606 states:

For integral operands the / operator yields the algebraic quotient with any fractional part discarded; if the quotient a/b is representable in the type of the result, (a/b)*b + a%b is equal to a [...].

Enabling the optimization

However, using unsigned types, the optimization would be completely correct, satisfying the above convention:

unsigned(-1)%256 == 0xFF

See also this.

Other languages

This is handled very different across different programming languages as you can look up on Wikipedia.


Since C++11, num % 256 has to be non-positive if num is negative.

So the bit pattern would depend on the implementation of signed types on your system: for a negative first argument, the result is not the extraction of the least significant 8 bits.

It would be a different matter if num in your case was unsigned: these days I'd almost expect a compiler to make the optimisation that you cite.

  • 6
    Almost but not quite. If num is negative, then num % 256 is zero or negative (a.k.a. non-positive).
    – Nayuki
    Nov 8, 2016 at 15:16
  • 5
    Which IMO, is a mistake in the standard: mathematically modulo operation should take the sign of the divisor, 256 in this case. In order to understand why consider that (-250+256)%256==6, but (-250%256)+(256%256) must be, according to the standard, "non-positive", and therefore not 6. Breaking associativity like that has real life side effects: for example when computing "zooming out" rendering in integer coordinates one has to shift the image to have all coordinates non-negative.
    – Michael
    Nov 8, 2016 at 17:13
  • 2
    @Michael Modulus has never been distributive over addition ("associative" is the wrong name for this property!), even if you follow the math definition to the letter. For example, (128+128)%256==0 but (128%256)+(128%256)==256. Perhaps there's a good objection to the specified behavior, but it isn't clear to me that it's the one you said. Nov 8, 2016 at 17:23
  • 1
    @DanielWagner, you are right, of course, I misspoke with "associative". However, if one keeps the sign of the divisor and computes everything in modular arithmetic, the distributive property does hold; in your example you would have 256==0. The key is to have exactly N possible values in modulo N arithmetic, which is only possible if all the results are in the range 0,...,(N-1), not -(N-1),...,(N-1).
    – Michael
    Nov 8, 2016 at 18:27
  • 6
    @Michael: Except % is not a modulo operator, it's a remainder operator.
    – Joren
    Nov 9, 2016 at 12:20

I don't have telepathic insight into the compiler's reasoning, but in the case of % there is the necessity of dealing with negative values (and division rounds towards zero), while with & the result is always the lower 8 bits.

The sar instruction sounds to me like "shift arithmetic right", filling up the vacated bits with the sign bit value.


As others have pointed out:

If you like me want the modulo operation to actually output a positive integer, as in my use case where I convert a hue (hsv color space) double where 1.0 == 360 degrees to a unsigned char by multiplying with 255.0, taking the floor followed by modulo 256. Then &0xff is a correct optimization. Observe that I treat 255 as 360 degrees to fit into unsigned char in my case.

hue = [-1.0 , 2.0]
hue = (unsigned char)(floor(hue * 255.0) & 0xff)

But this might not be the right solution for your specific use case.

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