I have 4 variables, any of them can be true or false

var a
var b
var c
var d

I would like to test 3 conditions:

  1. true if 1 out of 4 is true
  2. true if 2 out of 4 is true
  3. true if 3 out of 4 is true

I know that 0 out of 4 is true when:

a!=true && b!=true && c!=true && d!=true

and 4 out of 4 are true when:

a==true && b==true && c==true && d==true

but i cant think further.

3 Answers 3


You could just add the variables with boolean values. The result is a number.

value = a + b + c + d;

Then you could make a check agains the number, you want to test.

var a = false, b = true, c = true, d = true,
    value = a + b + c + d;


  • 1
    Thanks, so simple, and worked like charm. Already tested, that was exactly what i needed.
    – Kalle
    Nov 9, 2016 at 13:54

When dealing with a bunch of "things" that you want to run the same test on, it usually makes sense to group them using an array.

var collection = [a, b, c, d];

You can then get an array of elements that match a test with filter:

var true_elements = collection.filter(function (value) { return (value == true); });

You can then count the results:


And do whatever tests you like

if (true_elements.length === 1) { ... }
if (true_elements.length >= 1) { ... }
// etc
  • That's posh. I'm not sure I like the C-idiomatic way of adding the values when it comes to Javascript.
    – Bathsheba
    Nov 9, 2016 at 13:58

Javascript allows you to add boolean types together. In doing this it converts the arguments to integral types with 1 for true, and 0 for false.

So you can write

a + b + c + d == 3

as your test for 3 true values and 1 false value.

Not all languages support this (e.g. Java), but Javascript, C, and C++ do. Take care with the Visual Basic type languages which use -1 as the True value.

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