
I currently have a code which is used to make the computer guess the number in my head. I keep getting an error because I am using a variable multiple times in one line.

import random

N = int(input())

Low = 0
High = N


guess = random.randint(Low, High)

def get_response():
    response = input()
    global p
    if response == 'l':
        high = guess - 1
        guess = random.randint(Low, high)

    elif response == 'h':
        low = guess + 1
        guess = random.randint(low, High)

    elif response == 'c':
        print("He got it")

How could I solve this problem and how could I loop this? Thank you in advance!

  • 2
    That code shouldn't cause the error you're getting; you never even use the variable usedrandomnumber in the example despite that being the cause.
    – Aurora0001
    Nov 9, 2016 at 19:07
  • 2
    That error message tells you what's wrong: you tried to use that variable before you gave it a value. Since the code you posted doesn't illustrate the problem, we can't help you.
    – Prune
    Nov 9, 2016 at 19:08

1 Answer 1


you do not call the function it will do nothing

p dose not need to be global as there is no local to shadow it

also p looks like a flag to stop iterating but this is not needed as a break

statement can stop a while(True)

there is no usedrandomnumber and so no UnboundLocalError

print('think of a integer in the range [0,100]')
low, high = 0, 100
    guess = (low + high)//2 # // int div
    cmd = input('is it %d [Yes(y), higher(h), lower(l)]\n>>> ' % guess)
    if cmd[0].lower()=='y':
    elif cmd[0].lower()=='l':
        high = guess - 1
    elif cmd[0].lower()=='h':
        low = guess + 1
        print('please answer with "y", "h", or "l" ')
print("I win! your number is %d"%guess)

in short you need a loop to look for the number

prints to give instructions

input to get the command form the user cmd[0] will get the first letter of the command to distinguish them .lower() will lowercase to the commands are not case sensitive

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