A friend and I would like to create a website to manipulate Facebook data.

The structure is:

  • a PHP web role (contains the web page, user OAuth login, interacts with queues, and interacts with SQL Azure database)
  • an F# worker role (does statistics and quite heavy data extractions)

The process is (assuming a new user):

  • user arrives on the web page and logs onto Facebook via OAuth, the PHP web role then posts a message in a worktodo queue with the login info and token.

  • F# worker role reads the message off the worktodo queue and starts doing data crunching (using the Facebook API) and stats, then it writes the results to a SQL Azure database. Finally it posts a message to the workdone queue stating it has succeeded in doing the data processing for the user.

  • Finally the PHP web role reads the workdone queue and notices the work is done, and displays the algorithm results.

I have two questions:

  • Is there a big flaw in this design?

  • What is the best way to collaborate: one person will write the PHP and another the F#, is there a way to use development storage from two different machines?

Thanks a lot! (Apologies if some find this stuff too basic, I am very much a beginner in all these matters).

2 Answers 2


If you wanted to follow a bit more experimental path, you could also try looking at Phalanger. This is a project that compiles PHP code to .NET, so it may be possible to run it directly on Azure and nicely collaborate with F# (Phalanger has a few language extensions that allow you to call any .NET objects and some API for calling Phalanger objects from C#).

I was involved in the project some time ago, but it is now beign developed by other people (and as you can see from the check-ins, it is quite active again and they would surely be interested in collaborating to resolve possible Azure issues). If you were interested, let me know - I can give you some contacts, so that you can discuss the Phalanger status on Azure with them.

  • Unless you want to call into .NET code from your PHP code, I don't see why he would use Phalanger instead of regular PHP.
    – user94559
    Oct 30, 2010 at 1:32
  • as @smarx says the Php does not need to directly call the .Net code. In anycase thanks for offering to put me in contact.
    – jlezard
    Oct 31, 2010 at 10:58

I don't see anything wrong with this plan.

I don't think there's a way to have two machines pointing at the same development storage, but you can just use cloud storage (even when running locally). I do that all of the time; you will pay for bandwidth and storage transactions, but for most apps in testing, this cost is trivial.

  • I am having a problem with how the worker role lets the web role know it is done. The queue thing will not work unless there is a queue for each user(otherwise lots of messages not related to the user). I could check the datbase to see if has been filled for the user (with a timer), or I could create a blob when the work is done and check for existence of this blob. These could work but seem a bit unatural, is there a better solution ? Thanks a lot!
    – jlezard
    Nov 1, 2010 at 10:51
  • Is the web role going to maintain a connection this whole time? The typical pattern is to have the client poll (via AJAX), and then it seems quite natural for the web role to in turn poll a blob or a table to see if the work is done.
    – user94559
    Nov 1, 2010 at 19:55

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