I want to test my code against the latest bleeding edge Scala 2 or Scala 3 nightly.
(Or, I want to use an experimental Scala 3 feature, which are only available in nightly builds.)
What do I do?
There is now (2024) an official documentation page covering this:
Full details are there, but a short answer is that the easiest way is with scala-cli -S 3.nightly
(or 3.3.nightly
for LTS, or 2.nightly
for 2.13, or 2.12.nightly
for 2.12).
If you aren't using scala-cli, it's not too much harder; see instructions on doc page.
, and while you're at it you might as well use scalaOrganization.value
to get Typelevel Scala compatibility too.
Mar 9, 2017 at 7:58
org.scala-js#scalajs-compiler_2.12.8-bin-ebf8017;0.6.25: not found
, one solution (that worked for me) is: libraryDependencies := libraryDependencies.value.filterNot(_.name == "scalajs-compiler"), addCompilerPlugin("org.scala-js" % "scalajs-compiler_2.12.7" % "0.6.25"),
Oct 24, 2018 at 13:33
"foolib" %% "1.2.3"
with "foolib_2.12.7" % "1.2.3"
, this comes up with anything published by full Scala version, typically compiler plugins (Scala.js, macro paradise, etc)
Oct 24, 2018 at 21:20