I have a function that helps filter data. I am using v-on:change
when a user changes the selection but I also need the function to be called even before the user selects the data. I have done the same with AngularJS
previously using ng-init
but I understand that there is no such a directive in vue.js
This is my function:
getUnits: function () {
var input = {block: this.block, floor: this.floor, unit_type: this.unit_type, status: this.status};
this.$http.post('/admin/units', input).then(function (response) {
this.units = response.data;
}, function (response) {
In the blade
file I use blade forms to perform the filters:
<div class="large-2 columns">
{!! Form::select('floor', $floors,null, ['class'=>'form-control', 'placeholder'=>'All Floors', 'v-model'=>'floor', 'v-on:change'=>'getUnits()' ]) !!}
<div class="large-3 columns">
{!! Form::select('unit_type', $unit_types,null, ['class'=>'form-control', 'placeholder'=>'All Unit Types', 'v-model'=>'unit_type', 'v-on:change'=>'getUnits()' ]) !!}
This works fine when I select a specific item. Then if I click on all lets say all floors
, it works. What I need is when the page is loaded, it calls the getUnits
method which will perform the $http.post
with empty input. In the backend I have handled the request in a way that if the input is empty it will give all the data.
How can I do this in vuejs2
My Code: http://jsfiddle.net/q83bnLrx