I just happened to notice that there is a fullscreen()
method, which I had not noticed earlier, that is available with the interface WebDriver.Window
As per the Selenium javadocs:
-> fullscreen()
- Fullscreen the current window if it is not already fullscreen
-> maximize()
- Maximizes the current window if it is not already maximized
I don't understand any difference in the explanations here. Both of them say the same thing.
When I tried to use driver.manage().window().fullscreen();
, I got this error
org.openqa.selenium.UnsupportedCommandException: unknown command: session/b368564bbe1863857d7ce10cc5f38e38/window/fullscreen
Can someone help me understand the usage/difference of these 2 commands.
I am using Java 8 + Selenium 3.0.1 + Intellij 15 + Chrome 54.