I've got a component I'm testing with Enzyme that looks like the following:
<RichTextEditor name="name" onChange={[Function]} value="<p>what</p>" focus={false}>
<div className="rich-text-editor">
<div className="btn-group" role="group">
<StyleButton active={false} icon="fa-list-ul" label="UL" onToggle={[Function]} style="unordered-list-item">
// ...
I'm trying to detect the presence of the StyleButton component there like so:
mount(<RichTextEditor />).find('StyleButton[label="UL"]')
But no components are returned. I can find all the StyleButtons by just searching for the string "StyleButton" but I can't find by property, including just by using the property selector on its own.
The first code block I pasted up there is from the debug output of mounting the RichTextEditor, so the StyleButton is definitely there.
Any ideas?