Is there a way to write a conditional switch statement in JavaScript?

I'm guessing not, since the following is always going to default:

var raw_value = 11.0;
    case (raw_value > 10.0):
      height = 48;
      width = 36;
    case (raw_value > 5.0):
      height = 40;
      width = 30;
      height = 16;
      width = 12;

If not, what should I use instead - a long if/else statement?

  • One nice solution would be an array, and a JavaScript version of this recent PHP question.... but that's not going to be trivial to port.
    – Pekka
    Commented Nov 2, 2010 at 21:24
  • It's not THAT long of an if - else statement (if, else if, else). Pretty standard (and less indentation). Commented Nov 2, 2010 at 21:26
  • If/else takes less space, easier to read, less to write and less prone to self inflicted bugs..
    – BGerrissen
    Commented Nov 2, 2010 at 22:10

5 Answers 5


Like this:

var raw_value = 11.0;
switch(true) {
    case (raw_value > 10.0):
      height = 48;
      width = 36;
    case (raw_value > 5.0):
      height = 40;
      width = 30;
      height = 16;
      width = 12;

The expressions in the case statements will evaluate to true or false, and if that matches the switch condition... voilà. The default acts like an else.

Bonus: you can invert the whole logic by simply replacing true with false. With if ... else if statements, you'd have to edit every if-clause individually.

  • 8
    This should be the right answer, as it does what the OP asked in the style asked. However, I had a hard time the first time I saw a switch(true) statement. Commented Dec 15, 2010 at 22:16
  • 1
    Up voted and should be marked as the answer. Most programmers (or maybe just me) with server language exp. find the JS implementation non-intuitive. Its kind of weird starting the evaluated expression and working backwards! Commented May 29, 2014 at 22:53
  • 3
    Just a side note. This is a clear example to not assume the guy with the most SO points has the right answer.
    – Isaac Pak
    Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 13:44

In a switch statement, the evaluated value of the switch expression is compared the the evaluated values of the cases. So here the value of raw_value (number) is compared to raw_value > 10.0 (comparison expression) and raw_value > 5.0 (comparison expression).

So unless one of your case expressions yield a number equal to 11.0 or you use the switch expression true, you will always get the default case.

Just use a simple if/else instead:

var raw_value = 11.0;
if (raw_value > 10.0) {
    height = 48;
    width = 36;
} else if (raw_value > 5.0) {
    height = 40;
    width = 30;
} else {
    height = 16;
    width = 12;
  • 1
    And without the need for break, it's just as clean as the original.
    – user166390
    Commented Dec 15, 2010 at 22:25

No, the switch statement does not work used like that. However, this statement is not always simpler. For example, the switch version takes 15 lines:

var raw_value = 11.0;
switch(raw_value) {
    case (raw_value > 10.0):
      height = 48;
      width = 36;
    case (raw_value > 5.0):
      height = 40;
      width = 30;
      height = 16;
      width = 12;

and the "long" if/else version only 11:

var raw_value = 11.0;
if (raw_value > 10.0) {
      height = 48;
      width = 36;
} else if (raw_value > 5.0) {
      height = 40;
      width = 30;
} else {
      height = 16;
      width = 12;

So in your case, it is better to use the second one than the first...

  • 1
    Less lines of code is not objectively"better", since "good code" is subjective. Readability and ease of understanding are two other factors. I would perhaps add that this approach is better "if the goal is using as few lines of code as possible"
    – GrayedFox
    Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 15:47
  • 1
    Based on how 'switch' is working, the first example will always hit default
    – mmsilviu
    Commented Sep 10, 2019 at 8:36

Don't try this at home, or take it too seriously, this is just for sugary fun...

function conditionalSwitch(value, cond, callback /* cond, callback, cond, callback, ... */ ) {
  for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 2) {
    if (arguments[i](value)) {
      arguments[i + 1](value);

function test(val) {
  let width, height;

    (val) => val > 10,
    () => [height, width] = [48,36],

    (val) => val > 5,
    () => [height, width] = [40, 30],

    // Default
    () => true,
    () => [height, width] = [16, 12]
  console.log(width, height);

test(4.9);  // 12 16
test(5.1);  // 30 40
test(10.1); // 36 48

  • 3
    Erm, shouldn't this be in codepen or something, some place fun! Don't see the point of it being here...
    – sij_a
    Commented Dec 22, 2015 at 13:41
  • 4
    @sij_a And thee years later, there it is :D Commented May 21, 2018 at 11:11

see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/switch

You can use switch (true) and add cases that evaluate to boolean

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