With my Gradle build I want to start my Spring Boot application, run some tests and then shutdown the Spring boot application. First I try just to start the server and then shutdown, leaving out the tests for now.

Part of my build.gradle file looks like this

bootRun {
    systemProperties = System.properties

task shutdown(type: org._10ne.gradle.rest.RestTask) {
    httpMethod = 'post'
    uri = 'http://localhost:8080/shutdown'

task integrationTest() {
    dependsOn bootRun
    finalizedBy shutdown

I start the build from the command line like this

gradle integrationTest -Dendpoints.shutdown.enabled=true

The build starts the Spring Boot application but it is not proceeding (of course) to the shutdown task. I can run the shutdown task separately and it will take down the Spring Boot app.

But, how can I get the server to run and shutdown in the same build?

1 Answer 1


I'm not sure it will work with a task like bootRun, but I think you're looking for something like a ParallelizableTask

Also you would have to pass the --parallel command line option.

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