I am using PyMongo and trying to iterate over (10 millions) documents in my MongoDB collection and just extract a couple of keys: "name" and "address", then output them to .csv file.

I cannot figure out the right syntax to do it with find().forEach()

I was trying workarounds like

cursor = db.myCollection.find({"name": {$regex: REGEX}})

where REGEX would match everything - and it resulted in "Killed". I also tried

cursor = db.myCollection.find({"name": {"$exist": True}})

but that did not work either.

Any suggestions?

  • what is your actualy query or your desired result? please explain a bit better.
    – sergiuz
    Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 22:12
  • I am not sure you have tried this or not, try map reduce job to get your work done. Considering huge dataset, it seems to be a better option. Its just a suggestion.
    – user1211
    Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 2:18

4 Answers 4


I cannot figure out the right syntax to do it with find().forEach()

cursor.forEach() is not available for Python, it's a JavaScript function. You would have to get a cursor and iterate over it. See PyMongo Tutorial: querying for more than one document, where you can do :

for document in myCollection.find():
    print(document) # iterate the cursor

where REGEX would match everything - and it resulted in "Killed".

Unfortunately there's lack of information here to debug on why and what 'Killed' is. Although if you would like to match everything, you can just state:

cursor = db.myCollection.find({"name": {$regex: /.*/}}) 

Given that field name contains string values. Although using $exists to check whether field name exists would be preferable than using regex.

While the use of $exists operator in your example above is incorrect. You're missing an s in $exists. Again, unfortunately we don't know much information on what 'didn't work' meant to help debug further.

If you're writing this script for Python exercise, I would recommend to review:

You could also enrol in a free online course at MongoDB University for M220P: MongoDB for Python Developers.

However, if you are just trying to accomplish your task of exporting CSV from a collection. As an alternative you could just use MongoDB's mongoexport. Which has the support for :

See mongoexport usage for more information.

  • Some links are not working anymore. Commented Jun 1, 2022 at 5:01
  • @AshwaniTanwar I've updated the outdated links. thanks
    – Wan B.
    Commented Jun 1, 2022 at 6:57

I had no luck with .find().forEach() either, but this should find what you are searching for and then print it.

First find all documents that match what you are searching for

cursors = db.myCollection.find({"name": {$regex: REGEX}})

then iterate it over the matches

for cursor in cursors

The find() methods returns a PyMongo cursor, which is a reference to the result set of a query.

You have to de-reference, somehow, the reference(address).

After that, you will get a better understanding how to manipulate/manage the cursor.

Try the following for a start:

result = db.*collection_name*.find()

I think I get the question but there's no accurate answer yet I believe. I had the same challenge and that's how I came about this, although, I don't know how to output to a .csv file. For my situation I needed the result in JSON. Here's my solution to your question using mongodb Projections;

your_collection = db.myCollection
cursor = list(your_collection.find( { }, {"name": 1, "address": 1}))

This second line returns the result as a list using the python list() function.

And then you can use jsonify(cursor) or just print(cursor) as a list.

I believe with the list it should be easier to figure how to output to a .csv.

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