My anaconda navigator takes 2-3 minutes to start. I have proxy setting set correctly and I can use conda install with no problem.

Why is Anaconda Navigator so slow?

  • Same problem; and not only is it slow for loading, it's slow for everything: even mouse and keyboard events lag so much that abandoned using Navigator altogether; it's just too slow.
    – johnjps111
    Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 14:42

7 Answers 7


I had the same problem. My issue was the ssl verification as I assume my workplace has done something with Firewall or etc. So I took the following two steps to fix it:

  • open command prompt (cmd.exe)
  • You can see the list of conda settings: conda config --show
  • Disable the ssl verification: conda config --set ssl_verify False

Now launch the Anaconda. If it takes time, wait! It will finally load.

  • Go to File->Preferences (shortkey: Ctrl+P)
  • Make sure to uncheck the "Enable SSL verification". (attached image)
  • Don't forget to click on the Apply button.

Screenshot of anaconda

That made the trick and Anaconda loads very fast!

  • 4
    It's not just the best answer, it's the only answer to the problem!
    – Peter
    Commented May 28, 2020 at 10:29
  • this worked for me on my Mac mini M1, did not follow the command, simply selected cntrl+p and then unchecked the SSL bit, now it loads in less than a second! Commented Apr 13, 2021 at 6:21

I stumbled upon this problem in two pc which had I5 / I7 processor(Win 10 / Win 8) with SSD.

This is how I fixed up the problem, now it takes around 20 second to boot Anaconda Navigator and all the apps) :

Open your prompt / CMD and type :

conda update conda
conda update anaconda

Also looks into your Antivirus :
they may isolate or block Anaconda because they could see it as a threat

Do a tour into your Antivirus/HIP/Firewall/Trusted applications and grant Anaconda full permission


I have one shortcut here, Go to search bar and type jupyter or if you want spyder Type spyder , so you can directly open it. No need to start anaconda

Here I saw


  • 2
    Better if you cab add more detail in SO, what could be if your link not work in future?
    – ANjaNA
    Commented Aug 3, 2018 at 19:43

I started Anaconda Navigator with "Run as Administrator" privileges on my Windows machine, and it worked like a charm. Though it did ask me for Admin credentials for a couple of times while loading different scripts, but the response was <1 min, compared to 6 - 8 mins. earlier.

  1. Search for Anaconda through desktop search or go to Cortana tool on the desktop toolbar and type Anaconda
  2. On the Anaconda icon that shows up, right-click and choose "Run as Administrator"
  3. Provide Admin credentials when prompted

This should hopefully work for Windows 10 users.


I as well had problem of Anaconda Navigator starting after long time ( 5-10 mins) on my Windows 10 machine. After defining proxy settings in .condarc file and OS ENV variable, it reduced to 1-1.5 min. See if it works for you :).

Changes in .condarc file

        http: http://yourhttpproxy:port
        https: https://yourhttpsproxy:port

Updating OS ENV variable like:

HTTP_PROXY= http://yourhttpproxy:port 
HTTPS_PROXY = https://yourhttpsproxy:port


*This worked like magic especially if you are using a machine with vpn enabled & proxy If you know the specific app you are running e.g R, Jupyter e.t.c just simply:

  1. Go to the Windows search button
  2. Type the name e.g Jupyter
    1. Click on it and it opens the notepad!

After encountering the same issue (stucking at loading apps for 6 min), I tried the previous which didn't work. Furthermore, I have also tried to reinstall anaconda without any success.

After a while I tried to tape:"jupyter lab" (or jupyter notebook) on ANACONDA PROMPT. It works for me, now I do not need to start anaconda navigator and then going to jupyter lab or notebook.

Hope it will be helpful for some of you.

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