I have a module that automatically outputs (in dot format) functions written in some kind of assembly language (the IR of my compiler). The nodes are the basic blocks printed using the 'record' shape. The problem is that the edges take a strange route, for example:
digraph {
node [shape = record];
n0[label="{<name> entry | <body> store i, 0\nstore sum, 0\ngoto test | {<target> target}}"];
n1[label="{<name> test | <body> t2 = load i\nif t4, body, done | {<true> true | <false> false}}"]
n2[label="{<name> body | <body> t5 = load sum\ngoto test | {<target> target}}"];
n3[color=firebrick3, label="{<name> done | <body> t9 = load sum\nret t9}}"];
n0:target:s -> n1:name:n
n1:true:s -> n2:name:n
n1:false:s -> n3:name:n
n2:target:s -> n1:name:n
And an image:
What can I do so that the edge from 'target' to 'test' is placed on the left side?