How to List all Keys from a Riak KV Bucket?
I am a getting a Response using the rest API,
but not with the Java client.
How to List all Keys from a Riak KV Bucket?
I am a getting a Response using the rest API,
but not with the Java client.
First off I would caution that listing keys is an expensive operation and should not be done on a production cluster. That said please check out the Java client documentation (the latest version can be found here: Under com.basho.riak.client.api.commands.kv you will find the section on List Keys which has the following example:
Namespace ns = new Namespace("my_type", "my_bucket");
ListKeys lk = new ListKeys.Builder(ns).build();
ListKeys.Response response = client.execute(lk);
for (Location l : response)
There is also an example there that demonstrates how to stream the results back to the client.