I'm using react-router v4 for a React app.

In a form, I want to add query parameters on the onSubmit action

My code looks like this:

class FiltroCuentasCorrientes extends Component {
 ...//Other stuff.

 onSubmit(e) {
   const { someVariable, otherVariable } = this.state;
   //Here I should add the variables to the query param.

 render() {
  <Form onSubmit={(e) => this.onSubmit(e)}>

I don't know what the recommended approach is.

Should I have a variable in local state like shouldAddParam and render a <Redirect /> with my params?

Or use the router context and the navigateTo method?

How can I do that?

1 Answer 1


I would try to compose the action attribute of the form element during the render(), if that is possible. This way there's no need to prevent default.

However, if you want to "programatically redirect" using React router, then yes, you should use


... as you can see in this example.

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