This is more of a general topic when it comes to Page Objects and how to maintain them. Sometime back I stumbled upon one of the Page Object Design Pattern techniques which I liked and made a lot of sense to me.
Rather than instantiating child page objects in the parent page objects, it would be ideal to follow javascript's Prototypal Inheritance concept. This has quite a number of benefits but first let me show how we can achieve it:
First we would create our parent page object ParentPage
// parentPage.js
var ParentPage = function () {
// defining common elements
this.someElement = element("someid"));
// defining common methods = function (path) {
browser.get('/' + path)
module.exports = new ParentPage(); //export instance of this parent page object
We will always export an instance of a page object and never create that instance in the test. Since we are writing end to end tests we always see the page as a stateless construct the same way as each http request is a stateless construct.
Now let's create our child page objects ChildPage
, we would use Object.create
method to inherit the prototype of our parent page:
var ParentPage = require('./parentPage')
var ChildPage = Object.create(ParentPage, {
* define elements
username: { get: function () { return element(by.css('#username')); } },
password: { get: function () { return element(by.css('#password')); } },
form: { get: function () { return element(by.css('#login')); } },
* define or overwrite parent page methods
open: { value: function() {, 'login'); // we are overriding parent page's open method
} },
submit: { value: function() {;
} }
module.exports = ChildPage
we are defining locators in getter functions, These functions get evaluated when you actually access the property and not when you generate the object. With that you always request the element before you do an action on it.
The Object.create
method returns an instance of that page so we can start using it right away.
// childPage.spec.js
var ChildPage = require('../pageobjects/childPage');
describe('login form', function () {
it('test user login', function () {;
Notice above that we are only requiring the child page object and utilizing/overriding parent page objects in our specs. Following are the benefits of this design pattern:
- removes tight coupling between parent and child page objects
- promotes inheritance between page objects
- lazy loading of elements
- encapsulation of methods and action
- cleaner & much easier to understand the elements relationship instead of;
I found this design pattern in webdriverIO's developer guide, most of the above methods I explained are taken from that guide. Feel free to explore it and let me know your thoughts!