I need custom Form Login authentication with a third party web service. The problem is that i can't implement UserProvider's method loadUserByUsername($username). Also symfony calls refreshUser(UserInterface $user) on every page load which calls the loadUserByUsername.. My service has only one method that accepts username and password and returns success if they are valid otherwise false. Can i ignore the UserProvider and everything related to it??? Any suggestions.

  • 1
    No you cannot ignore user provider however take a look at the guard component. symfony.com/doc/current/security/guard_authentication.html Should be fairly easy to implement your own authenticator.
    – Cerad
    Dec 23, 2016 at 13:52
  • Why "can't" you implement loadUserByUsername($username) ? You are free to implement it as you which as well as refreshUser(UserInterface $user), using a caching service if required. Note the $username is just a keyword which actually means "whatever", you are free to provide whatever you need here to authenticate against your custom service as far as you respect the interface. And as @Cerad said, the new GuardAuthenticator are much simpler to work with. Dec 23, 2016 at 14:08
  • @BorisGuéry - It is not so much that they can't implement loadUserByUsername but rather what they really want is a loadUserByUsernameAndPassword. Which sadly does not exist. I had the same question years ago. And back then, implementing your own authenticator was far more challenging.
    – Cerad
    Dec 23, 2016 at 14:14
  • @Cerad, that's exactly what I wanted to point out. The purpose of the $username here is not to be provided an username as it is used in common username / password combination, but whatever you want to use as it. May it be an e-mail, a token, or even a combination of username and password. Either by providing a custom formatted string recognized by your provider, or by returning a generic / fake User implementation from which you can retrieve the username and use it when implementing the AuthenticationProvider or the newly GuardAuthentication. Dec 23, 2016 at 14:20
  • I don't have access to users by email username or whatever else. I can't provide list of users from the web service so I see no sense of UserProvider. I created custom UserProvider with method loadUserByUsernameAndPassword($username, $password) but symfony calls refreshUser on every page load which calls my web service login function so i move auth login in custom Authenticator but symfony still calls refreshUser...
    – Stasa
    Dec 23, 2016 at 14:45


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