I want to parse json file "c:/employeesRecord.json" using org.json.simple library. Below is sample json data, each record is sperated by next line in the file.

{"Employees ":["A ;B ;C ;D ;E ;F"],"JobTitle":"Software Engineer"}
{"Employees ":["A ;B ;C ;D ;E ;F"],"JobTitle":"Software Engineer"}
{"Employees ":["A ;B ;C ;D ;E ;F"],"JobTitle":"Software Engineer"}

How to parse such json file without root element using org.json.simple.

  • Split your string/buffer by newline (.split("\n")) and parse them one by one?
    – SOFe
    Dec 30, 2016 at 14:13
  • Would you like to show me an example? Dec 30, 2016 at 14:14
  • For Android using Gson it is solved in link Dec 30, 2016 at 14:18
  • 2
    You are encouraged to post your own solutions as answers to your question.
    – SOFe
    Dec 30, 2016 at 14:20
  • Yes my json is not valid but i need to process such files. Thanks @PEMapModder your solution works for. Dec 31, 2016 at 12:31

3 Answers 3


You can "tweak" the input from the file and change it into a valid json format

String json = <your json from file>
json = "[" + json + "]";
json = json.replace("\n",",");
// parse your json, now it should be a valid.

Since the full file is not a valid JSON object you will need to parse it line-by-line, ie. read first line, parse it using your parser, save the result and then repeat for the next line.


Parse it line by line after spliting by \n.

String[] lines = json.split("\n");
List<JsonObject> objects = new ArrayList<>(lines.length); // depending on the JSON library you are using

for(String line : lines) {

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