I'm making a plugin for Aurelia and need a class decorator that
- adds attributes to the new object instance, and
- calls an external function with the new object as an argument.
I've looked through examples, and so far I've put together ("pseudo-ish" code)
return function addAndCall(target: any): any {
var original = target;
var newConstructor = function (...args) {
original.apply(this, args);
this.newAttribute = "object instance value";
newConstructor.prototype = Object.create(original.prototype);
newConstructor.prototype.constructor = original;
return <any>newConstructor;
- I'm not entirely clear on the details here (or what is actually needed), and
- it might not work properly since I'm getting Aurelia errors when using objects instantiated from classes with this decorator (and I suspect it's my decorator rather than the Aurelia framework that's buggy).
Any help and explanation would be greatly appreciated!