I have some entries like:
{ "name":"a", "value":10 }
{ "name":"b", "value":20 }
{ "name":"c", "value":10 }
And I can select names from a query with db.collection.find({"value":10},{"name":1, _id: false})
. It gives me the following:
{ "name" : "a" }
{ "name" : "c" }
However, I want it to return an array of values, not a set of { key : value } pairs. (like [ "a", "c", ... ]
). Is there a way to achieve this with only MongoDB
queries or should I select and put them in an array in my application?
Current Output:
{ "name" : "a" }
{ "name" : "c" }
Expected output:
["a", "c", ...]
If the above is not a possible output, it may be also
{ "result": ["a", "c", ...] }